Featuring a flare-type star, Sz Ursae Majoris is a deadly system with a scorched barren super earth called Suzie 2—replete with mineral-rich moons and asteroids. A flare star is a variable star that can undergo unpredictable dramatic increases in energy output for short intervals. Analogous to solar flares, these outbursts eject magnetic energy stored in the stars’ atmospheres, causing periodic loss of comms and power outages to ships, vehicles, and equipment in the system.   Any colony here would need specially hardened electronics. The system’s most eligible moon for colonization is Selene, a deep blue hunk of azurite with a tenuous atmosphere ripe for taming via atmospheric processors. Large veins of copper exist here as well. On the surface, the skies periodically flash as crystalline particles in the upper atmosphere react to the flaring star.  


Location: −7.4 Rimward, 6.2 Spinward
Affiliation: None
Classification: Terrestrial planetoid, can be terraformed
Climate: Basic rebreathers necessary, thin atmosphere
Mean Temperature: 0°C
Terrain: Ragged rock formations and fissures
Colonies: None, marked for colonization
Population: None
Key Resources: Azurite, chalcanthite, and copper
Solar System
Location under

Cover image: by DALLE


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