
Orbiting Calpamos, LV-223 is a desolate, near Earth-like moon with sprawling deserts and mountainous valleys. Unfortunately, its atmosphere contains a deadly concentration of carbon dioxide, making it unbreathable by humans, and the moon is prone to deadly and swift-forming silica storms. The little data there is on LV-223 is compiled from garbled transmissions sent back to Weyland Corp Headquarters by the USCSS Prometheus mission in the 2090s. Various rumors claim it to be the site of a starship graveyard, a plague-ridden world covered in strange and ancient extraterrestrial ruins, and the home of several deadly species of fauna. Regardless, starship crews steer clear of LV-223 in search of brighter skies and greener pastures.  


The atmosphere was composed of 71% nitrogen, 24% oxygen and 3.7% carbon dioxide, with traces of argon and other gases. The air on LV-223 was nearly identical to Earth's atmosphere, but contained a much higher concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) making it toxic for humans to breathe outside (Earth levels of CO2 averaged about 0.04% for comparison).  
Planetoid / Moon
Location under
Contested By
Related Myths

Cover image: by DALLE


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