Time for Another History Lesson

In 2180, the United Nations proposed a bold initiative: a multi-national, multi-corporation expedition to learn the fate of the Far Spinward Colonies and reconnect them to the Middle Heavens. The economic recession, coupled with the tantalizing prospect of rediscovering the abundance once enjoyed in the old colonies, made this proposal irresistible to the United Americas (UA), the Three World Empire (3WE), and the Union of Progressive Peoples (UPP). Thus, the Great Mother Mission was born, spearheaded by the United Nationasl Interstellar Settlement Corps (UNISC) and led by Governor Kholwa Abantu, a seasoned UN bureaucrat. The mission was meticulously planned, ensuring that the Interstellar Commerce Commission (ICC) was well-represented to guarantee fair play and strict adherence to safety protocols.   In 2182, the colossal Deucalion-class colony ship UNCSS Ìyánlá was launched, accompanied by its four Magellan-class support ships: the UNCSS Umsindisi, UNCSS Solvestsky Island, UNCSS Chimata-no-kami, and UNCSS Typhoon. The flotilla was further bolstered by three Throop Rescue and Recovery CM90V Corvus-class salvage vessels, making the fleet formidable and well-prepared for the journey ahead.  

UNCSS Ìyánlá

The UNCSS Ìyánlá is a Lockmart and Welsun Type 3300B Deucalion-class X modular colony carrier. Measuring 2,550 meters in length, with a beam of 450 meters and a draft of 300 meters, this state-of-the-art long-range spacecraft is a marvel of modern engineering. It carries four externally mounted Atmospheric Processor Plant modules, four ring-mounted Magellan-class J Space Exploration Vehicles, as well as numerous drop-shuttles, support craft, and ground vehicles. Three "spines" run the length of the vessel, featuring transit systems for crew and equipment, enabling efficient movement and operations throughout the massive ship.  

Impact on the Far Spinward Colonies

The arrival of the UNCSS Ìyánlá in the Far Spinward Colonies was nothing short of revolutionary. The isolated colonies, long cut off from the technological advancements and political machinations of the Middle Heavens, suddenly found themselves thrust into the spotlight. The sheer scale and sophistication of the Ìyánlá and its accompanying flotilla were awe-inspiring, symbolizing hope and a renewed connection to the broader human civilization.   However, this dramatic entrance also brought significant social upheaval. The Far Spinward Colonies, with their unique cultures and adaptations to isolation, were not prepared for the sudden influx of new technology, political ideologies, and economic pressures. The presence of the ICC, ensuring strict adherence to regulations and fair play, often clashed with the established norms and practices of the local populations. This tension was further exacerbated by the arrival of multi-national corporations eager to exploit the newfound resources and opportunities, sometimes at the expense of the local colonists.  

Social Upheaval

The social fabric of the Far Spinward Colonies began to unravel under the weight of these changes. Long-standing power structures were challenged as new alliances formed between local leaders and the powerful entities represented by the Ìyánlá's mission. Governor Kholwa Abantu's leadership was tested as he navigated the delicate balance between imposing order and respecting the autonomy of the colonies. The presence of the UPP, 3WE, and UA factions within the expedition also added layers of complexity, as each sought to extend their influence and secure strategic advantages.  

Dealing with the Perfected and the Children of the Two Divines)

The arrival of the UNCSS Ìyánlá not only brought technological and political upheaval but also necessitated dealing with existential threats present in the Far Spinward Colonies. The Perfected, relentless in their pursuit of spreading their "perfection" and cultivating an Empress hive of XX121 Xenomorphs, posed a dire threat to all human life. The Children of the Two Divines , under the leadership of Mother Ma’Kayla, actively supported the Perfected, further complicating the mission's objectives.   The Great Mother Mission had to address these threats head-on. Armed with advanced technology and strategic expertise, the mission's personnel worked to contain and neutralize the influence of the Perfected and their human collaborators. This involved intricate operations to safeguard the colonies, eliminate bio-mechanoid threats, and dismantle the insidious influence of the Children of the Two Divines.  

Cultural Clashes and Adaptations

The cultural clashes that ensued were profound. Traditional practices and beliefs were often at odds with the new realities imposed by the Great Mother Mission. Some colonists embraced the changes, seeing them as a path to prosperity and greater integration into the human collective. Others resisted, clinging to their ways of life and viewing the newcomers with suspicion and hostility.   The arrival of the UNCSS Ìyánlá and its flotilla marked a turning point for the Far Spinward Colonies. It brought the promise of reconnection and revitalization but also sparked significant social upheaval and cultural clashes. The journey to integrate these isolated colonies into the broader framework of the Middle Heavens was fraught with challenges, requiring delicate diplomacy, respect for local traditions, and a willingness to adapt. The legacy of the Ìyánlá's mission continues to shape the future of the Far Spinward Colonies, highlighting the complexities and potential of human expansion into the cosmos. The mission's efforts to combat the Perfected and the Children of the Two Divines underscore the ongoing struggle for safety and stability in this remote frontier.

Cover image: by DALLE


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