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Banrock’s Mithral Pot

Banrock’s Mithral Pot has the distinction of being one of the few establishments in Ten-Towns to have a reputation that extends outside Icewind Dale.   Just walking into this tavern’s common room, with its distinctive dark wood paneling and cozy booths, is enough to set one’s mouth watering. Visitors from as far away as Baldur’s Gate come here to try Banrock’s pottage, which the dwarf cooks in his signature pot.   Running the tavern is a labor of love for Banrock, who could retire on the value of his mithral cookware alone, but the plump, ruddy-faced dwarf would rather spend his days cheerfully bustling from booth to booth chatting with travelers. His longest-standing customer is a wizard from Blackstaff Tower in Waterdeep, who comes to the tavern every solstice to renew the wards that protect the kitchen against thieves—and, of course, to sample the pottage.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
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