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Harbor Market Square

Directly between the docks and the town hall lies Easthaven’s market, a sight to behold in this cold town. Although its physical size might be smaller than other towns, the number of merchants it contains is only eclipsed by Bryn Shander’s market. Characters have ample opportunity to restock their supplies and upgrade their equipment here. Store fronts and smaller stalls are kept close together to fend off the region’s cold winds. Merchants loudly advertise their wares, including fish, Scrimshaw, everyday necessities, Adventuring Gear, Weapons, and even rare oils and ointments.   What makes this market so different from others in Ten-Towns is the number of false merchants. Only local residents know who the charlatans are, having memorized their faces. Locals won’t reveal which merchants are trustworthy. And even if they do, how do you know the person identifying the fakes is not the one lying? In a town where pick-pocketing is legal, this is all completely legal in Easthaven.
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