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Rurden’s Armory

Rurden’s Armory is an outlet where adventurers can buy dwarven blades and mail forged in the valley below Kelvin’s Cairn.   The shop’s interior looks like that of a keep preparing for siege—racks of swords and axes stand to one side, while suits of chain mail lie stacked on crates to the other (and the crates hold pieces of plate Armor packed in wood chips).   Piles of helms stand alongside the crates, halberds lean in the corner, and shields and crossbows hang on every inch of the room’s walls. The building’s heavy, reinforced door, complete with a thick bar, rounds out the image of a garrison; only a painted iron sign propped against the back wall identifies the shop as a place of business.   Although Rurden repairs and modifies weapons and armor, he does not forge in items. Since none of the Weapons and Armor are made to order, buyers often have to adjust to equipment that’s heavier than they’re accustomed to—blistered palms and aching shoulders are common complaints among first-time customers. Even so, the quality of the merchandise speaks for itself, and the dwarf shopkeep, Rurden, is especially helpful when showing buyers how to alter their swings or angle their bodies for an incoming blow to take advantage of their new purchases.   The sellswords who frequent his store have a saying: Once you go dwarven, you never go back.   A few years ago the Runesmith's Guild rented a room off the side of the shop to ply their trade, which increased Rurden's sales substantially. The current resident Runesmith is Dalommeack Brightchest  


Weapon Upgrades

Tag CostPrerequisite
Balanced 50gp Any weapon
Sharpened 50gp Melee weapons that deal piercing or slashing damage only
Spiked 50gp Melee weapons that deal bludgeoning damage only
Silvered 100gp Any weapon
Keen 100gp Melee weapons only
Brutal ** 1000gp Sharpened or Spiked tag
Flanged **1000gp Sharpened or Spiked tag. Can only be applied to maces and mauls.
Superior **1000gp Balanced, Keen, or Oiled string tag.
Sight pin 50gp Bows and crossbows only
Oiled string 100gp Bows and crossbows only

Runesmith Upgrades

Tag Cost
Rune Socket 500gp
Second Rune Socket 2000gp
Third Rune Socket 4000gp


Simple Melee Weapons

Dagger 2 gp 12
Handaxe 5 gp 6
Javelin 5 sp 10
Light hammer 2 gp 5
Mace 5 gp 3
Spear 1 gp 9

Martial Melee Weapons

Battleaxe 10 gp 8
Flail 10 gp 2
Greataxe 30 gp
Greatsword 50 gp
Longsword 15 gp
Maul 10 gp 4
Morningstar 15 gp 2
Pike 5 gp 9
Shortsword 10 gp 6
War pick 5 gp 4
Warhammer 15 gp 6


Bound Item Runestone 500 gp 6
Bastion Runestone 5000 gp 1
Chalice Runestone 2000 gp 3
Cantra Runestone 500 gp 8
Disruption Runestone1500 gp 1
Dragonbane Runestone 50000 gp 6
Elemental Shield Runestone 500 gp 4
Growler Runestone 8000 gp 2
Guardian Runestone 500 gp 2
Hunt Runestone 5000 gp 1
Knock Runestone500 gp 2
Magebane Runestone5000 gp 1
Sentinel Runestone500 gp 2
Superconductor Runestone8000 gp 1
Warmage Runestone5000 gp 2
Warrior Runestone100 gp 6
Craftsman, Blacksmith / Smithy
Parent Location

Articles under Rurden’s Armory


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