A.R 1530: The Prism

A.R 1530, nicknamed The Prism after its discovery on Harkan's World , is a small prism that is allegedly capable of manipulating reality and manipulating it to the holder's will. It was discovered on Harkan's world after a genetic aberration coded B.R 27 used it to reanimate his neutron bombed town. B.R 27 was killed by Future Club  agents, which led to a struggle for ownership of A.R 1530: The Prism , resulting in its destruction. Its remaining fragments are in posession of Governor Daddy John

Mechanics & Inner Workings

According to archival documents recovered from Harkan's world, and the testimony of future club agents Eyez, Daddy John and Aslan-Doo, the prism alters the wielder's perception of the universe around them. The holder will start percieving the world as "building blocs" of various shapes and sizes. When attempting to manipulate reality, the holder will attempt to rearrange said building blocs.     The most powerful display of use of A.R 1530 ever witnessed was the individual coded B.R 27 (now deceased), who used it to seemingly reanimate an entire town that had been neutron bombed. The reanimated individuals followed simple routines, theorized to be what they were doing at the time of impact.   Other feats accomplished by using the cube have been:
  • Turning Future Club agent Daddy John into a three foot version of himself
  • Turning Future Club agent Daddy John's face into a baby's face and back.
  • Making a Daddy Johns special ops soldier fart in his armor
  • Making a helmet get smaller with the intent of crushing a soldier's head in it
  • Making scars disappear from one's body
  • Item type
    Unique Artifact
    Creation Date
    Destruction Date
    Current Holder
    This item was unique.
    0.01 kg


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