Harkan's World

Owned by Venom Inc , Harkan's World is currently in the process of being renovated and repurposed into a giga mall.


Alexander Harkan discovered this world in 199.590, fleeing from the persecution of his home world of Worle. He subsequently founded a small republic, which within his lifetime became a prosperous urban world due to mass immigration from neighbouring systems. Upon Harkan's death, the planet was renamed Harkan's World and the fledgling Harkan Republic continued to develop, covering the planet in large urban centres, laboratory complexes and factories.   In 199.896, the Harkan Republic declared war on the The Gerrean Covenant . In 199.902, the planet was neutron bombed and the war ended. With the population all but eradicated and the planet not offering any natural resources of interest, Harkan's World was forgotten.   In 200.000, an energy spike was detected on the planet, which led to a Future Club operation, leading to the discovery of A.R 1530: The Prism. When the dust settled, Daddy John handed the planet over to Venom Inc, as per their prior agreement.
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