Greak Ork Gazzark

Great Ork Gazzark (a.k.a. The Great Green Scourge)

Gazzark is the biggest one there is. There is simply no conversation about it in the Orkyn State. In the history of the Orkyns, there is simply no other Great Ork who has reigned this long, and so unchallenged.   In war, he leads from the front. No weapon seems to last long in his hands, so these days he fights with his bare hands. After an almost successful attempt on his life by Eltaryn assassins, Gazzark's heart was replaced by a powerful fusion reactor. His blood is half organic, half fusion, and he has the strength of an army. It is unclear how much of his body has been augmented, but it is believed he works directly with members of the Cybertaur Technocracy  to keep building himself into the most dangerous killing machine in the universe.
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
Fair Terce
Aligned Organization


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