The Orkyn State

Initially the butt of most jokes played on them by the other Fair Peoples, The Visit changed everything. From a disparate bunch of mindless idiots spread accross Fair Prima, emerged a powerful Stratocracy, ruled by Great Orks with literal iron fists, which set out to conquer the stars. As of year 200.000, they are the only one of the Fair Peoples that have colonized worlds beyond The Fair System.


The legacy of the unification war is that the Orkyn State is organised in strata. Each strata is identified by the professions of the families, which are passed down from generation to generation. A Navigator's son becomes a Navigator.  
  • At the top, the Great Ork and his ruling relatives.
  • The warlords and generals, the Lord Orks
  • The Science Orks
  • The Navigators
  • The Soldier Orks
  • The Trade Orks
  • The Vassals 
  • The Scrubs
Upon the death of the Great Ork, challengers engage in bloody combat in the great arena, and whoever survives the bloodbath is the new Great Ork. Often, if the winner is not from the previous ruling family, the former Great Ork's relative will end up quickly joining him in the grave.

Public Agenda

After The Visit, the Orkyns developped powerful drugs that stimulated their population growth. Over the centuries, those drugs have only become more potents, and their population developping exponentially.   Driven by a constant need for more room, the Orkyns are an adventuring race. From Fair Terce, dozens of colony ships take off every day, in search of new worlds to conquer.


The Fair Prima Orkyns were a nomadic, tribal race. Not much is known of their history because they never bothered to write much down. What little we know is from Eltayrn or Cybertaur scripture. What these texts indicate is they the Orkyns were not very well liked. Often found "repulsive" or "annoying", or even "clingy oh my god".   The Visit clearly changed things for the Orkyns. Who knows what the Visitors saw in them, but they obtained incredibly advanced pharmaceutical drugs and technologies, which stimulated their population growth massively. Very quickly, the individual tribes met, fought and often subjugated one another until there was only one massive Orkyn tribe. That was not enough. As the other races began to venture off Fair Prima, the Orkyns overran the neighbouring Gobblyns, subjugating their kingdom.   It is implied by many Eltaryn texts that this final war between the two green skinned races is what tore the planet apart. The one Gobblyn scholar we could find does lay the blame to the vast amounts of energy expanded by the spacefaring races as their ships took off.   They arrived on Fair Secundus too late and were repelled by the other, better established races. While the Eltaryns held Fair Terce, but not well enough. When the green menace fell from the skies in troves, the Eltaryns were forced back into their fortresses, leaving the Orkyns with an important enclave. As the ashes settled, the Orkyns had found themselves a territory to form a state.    On Fair Quater, they tried to dislodge the Dremmer with orbital bombardments and relentless assaults, to no avail. In the end, it was the Gobblyns who made the most headway. Due to their small stature, they could enter the tunnels and underground Dremmer systems. Due to this, they negotiated a treaty with the Orkyns, to remain on Fair Quater with a larger degree of independance than were previously allocated by their large rulers.    So the Orkyns retreated to Fair Terce, and the war with the Eltaryn continues today.

Together Stronger

Geopolitical, Stratocracy
Alternative Names
The Green Menace
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Orkyn, Gobblyn
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Barter system
Related Ranks & Titles

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