Fair Terce

Terraformed and Colonized soon after Fair Secundus by the Eltayrs, Fair Terce is a work of art. A perfectly adjusted and balanced climate, with a very well controlled ecosystem. The finest Eltayr scientists and hexloggers worked without needing to compromise and created a planet perfectly suited to their needs.    When the Eltayr colony on Fair Secundus was routed from the planet, they landed on Fair Terce to join their bretheren. There, a powerful Eltayr theocracy was born, revering the planet as their Mother. Their world was shaken when the fledgeling Orkyn Supremacy set their sights on Fair Terce. Raining from the sky like an army of terror, they quickly overtook the ill prepared Eltayr defenses and carved themselves a large enclave on the planet. The war is still ongoing.


Climate: continental
Alternative Name(s)
Beautiful Blue
Location under
Included Organizations
Characters in Location


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