Cybertaur Technocracy


Executive:   The council of the Technopots elect the Technocrat Supreme among them on a decennial basis. The Technocrat Supreme is the guide and leader of the Technocracy, he has nigh limitless executive power, only having to deal with the other Technopots for decisions that would reform the current system or declare major shifts (i.e declaring war).   Judiciary:   An independant supreme court rules over the judiciary, nominating High Judges for each district.    Legistature:   The Technopots are a hereditary title, passed down from generation to generation. Each Technopot oversees a District of the Technocracy, specializing in a kind of technology unique to its district. They rule on each of the decisions of the executive.


The most technologically advanced race in the Fair System, the Cybertaur empire is obsessed with transcentaurism, the concept of self improvement by technology.   Very young, Cybertaurs are told that they can evolve and change at will. Cyber enhancements are commonplace, and often happen as a result of a new job or a new situation in life.   Out of the Fair People, the Cybertaurs are so much less in touch with magic than the others. They were once very linked to the woodlands of Fair Prima, but with the planet gone, they have now abandonned magic in favour of the Hexlog enhancements.    All in all, the Cybertaurs are quite pleased to be out of open warfare. They are not a warlike race, their ambitions look towards the stars.


Once called Centaurs, the Cybertaurs were the first of the Fair People to be approached by the mysterious Benefactors. They were the Heralds, the favorites. They helped spread the technological advances accross the other Fair Peoples, taking a major role in leading them to the next technological stage.   As a result, they were the first to take to the stars. Their vast fleet and powerful Hexloggers terraformed Fair Secundus quickly and colonies were rapidly established.  The resulting wars with the Merkyns, the Minores and the Satyrns, who were the next civilizations to take to the stars took a toll, but the Cybertaurs established themselves the victors by conquering and crushing the Merkyn kingdom. The weak peace treaty that resulted with the Minores and the Satyrns is still holding today.

Further, always

Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Iron Hooves, The Steel Stampede


The weak ceasefire is currently holding as both countries focus on rebuilding their lands and developping spy networks in each other's territories.


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