The Gerrean Covenant

An alliance of various small races and planets that have elected to band together to withstand the dangers of the universe.    


Seventeen Sixteen neighbouring worlds, with twelve species accross them, form the Gerrean Covenant. A representative of each species sits at the Council, which is in charge of electing a Gerr Prime, who holds executive power. The Gerr prime sits in power for seventeen sixteen years, no more, no less than the number of worlds in the Covenant. The Council remains in control of the legislative.   Much like each species governs itself, like a federal state, each species is also free to elect or choose their representative as they see fit. Some hold elections, some keep it a hereditary position. It is not uncommon that the representative is also the ruler of the species.

Public Agenda

Since The Doom of Calcurtha and the utter destruction of one of their planets by a Future Club operation, they have begun a violent campaign against The Future Club.   Four billion people have died, and someone has to pay.


The Gerrean covenant was born of the ravages that these seventeen worlds endured during a galactic war over a millenia ago. Too small then to defend themselves, they were just collateral in the system spanning conflict. When the dust settled, these twelve polities joined together as a federation, creating a common market and various diplomatic corps. Over a century, this federation consolidated into one federal state, recognised intergalactically. They are now a powerful player in the politics of their sector.

Foreign Relations

Due to the circumstances of their founding, the Gerrean Covenant is known to be quite aggressive in its diplomacy. Over its millenia long existence, they have been involved in a record number of conflicts. Notably, the neutron bombing of Harkan's World , which was intended as an example of what would happen to anyone who tried to pick on the Gerrean Covenant.   As a result, most local polities entertain cordial, but distant relations with the Gerrean Covenant, which suits them just fine.   As of 200.000, the Gerrean Covenant has declared open war on the organisation known as Future Club .

All for one, one for all

Founding Date
Geopolitical, State
Leader Title
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Organization Vehicles
Notable Members
Related Species

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