The Minores Empire

The very warlike Minores Empire is the second most powerful civilization on Fair Secundus, and currently third most powerful in The Fair System .


The Minores Empire is divided in a variety of noble houses, who choose the next emperor based often on which of the Houses currently holds the most power.    These noble houses are roughly the same as they were when the Minores Empire took to the stars, with some additions along the way, often by anointing particularly brilliant and brutal generals as a reward for their heroism. Each house has a Keeper and a Scion, who are respectively the current leader of the house and their chosen heir. Both sit in the Council of Houses and both can vote, but a Keeper's vote always carries twice the weight of a Scion.


Leftover from their gladiatorial days, the Minores society values brute strength. A Minore's merit is decided from his battlefield prowess and violence, which can grant them a higher status in society.    Veterans are looked after and honored by their peers, in an almost religious effort.    The greatest dishonour for a Minore is to have their horns shaved off. It is a punishment often used in the army for deserters and cowards, announcing to the rest of their people what they are.


Millenia ago, in the age before the Visit, the Minores were once a race of gladiators, used for blood sport and violent games by the Eltayrns. Exploited for their strength and mindless bloodlust, they were sold around like cattle. The Visit changed all this. The Visitors, taking pity upon the Minores, went to them soon after the Cybertaurs, giving them the technology to find each other and form a coherent tribe. After centuries of civil war, an Empire emerged under the rule of House Miquella, and took to the stars. Late in the game, they landed on Fair Secundus and entered the bloody war for the planet.    After centuries and subjugating the Satyrns, they found themselves in a deadlock with the Cybertaurs, and a ceasefire was declared. Unlike the Cybertaurs however, they are always ready for the war to begin anew.

For Glory

Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The horns
Economic System
Command/Planned economy


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