The Eltayr Martyrdom

The remnants of the Eltayr colonists of Fair Terce, the Eltayr Martyrdom is a recluse civilisation content with holding its shrouded cities.  


  The Eltayrs lived in tribes, hidden in forests, shrouded from view by powerful magics. They were wise and reclusive, rarely getting involved with the other species. When they were sought out for help, they would be more than happy to oblige, and dispense powers and wisdoms. They were the most powerful race on Fair Prima.   That changed with the Visit.  


  As the other races encountered the Benefactors, the Eltayrs were cautious, reluctant. Quickly, the other races began developping technologies and Hexlogs that completely outclassed them. Due to their very primal connection with the planet, the Eltayrs were the first to feel that their home was dying.   They gave in and built powerful colony ships, which took them to the stars. They arrived too late on Fair Secundus and were chased off by the aggressive The Minores Empire. They eventually settled on Fair Terce, which was empty then. They built tall cities at various points of the planet and began to reform their connection to the world.   With the arrival of the The Orkyn State in their vast ships, they developped powerful hexlogs to hide their cities from these aggressive beings, resulting in the creation of the first Shrouded City. The Orkyn quickly took over the vast stretches of planet that the Eltayrs had left empty between their cities. Every so often, the Orkyns find an Eltayr city, and war would ensue. But in their time in isolation, the Eltayrs have been busy. They developped incredibly destructive offensive hexlogs and an elite standing army.   The Eltayr Martyrdom is happy to remain hidden, and happy to hide from the rest of the universe, they do not see what the rest of it has to offer them.

"In the shadows we live eternal"

Geopolitical, State
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state

Articles under The Eltayr Martyrdom


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