
A city in the southern portion of Khemri on the eastern shore of the Great River. It is home to two major temple complexes; one in the south of the city devoted to the God of the Underworld known as Waset and one in the north known as Karnak devoted to the Goddess of Wisdom. Opposite the city on the western bank is the necropolis complex called Valley of the Pharaohs where the rulers of Khemri are buried.   Luxor is a vibrant and cosmopolitan city, sustained by trade through its extensive wharfs and dockyards as well as the contributions from pilgrims and worshipers. Because of the presence of Sehkmet's (the Khemrian name for the Goddess of Wisdom) temple at Karnak, Luxor is considered the spiritual home of the Basti near-human species, although they can be found throughout Khemri.


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