The Shrouded Lands

The Shrouded Lands is the collective name of the nation that Avatar represents. Almost all of the land is shrouded in an eternal Twilight or Eternal Night. Its ran by an Overlord, who sets the laws in which the Barons and Baroneses of The lands follow.


The Culture is enigmatic, however all travelers claim that the cities and inns are over hospitable for travelers. Which is worth to note  that half thje travelers that enter the Shrouded lands, are not seen again. The entire nation appears to be set in an Industrial revolution era,  with almost all of its cities following Avatar's style of Gothic style. Every town has a church or temple. The People are deeply religious to either Drinalis, or Admandeaux, the god of Madness.


The Shrouded Lands is an isolated piece of land that sits in the South-eastern corner of Maelstrom. It gets the hot ocean waves from the ice-capped snowy peaks of the Mysts to it's north. This creates a fog that thickens the closer one gets to the mountains. This has nicknamed these lands "The Shrouded Lands". The original history of these lands was lost to history, however most people seem to be farmers or blacksmiths. It was perhaps the region was a craftsman haven before everything became the way it is now. Arbor Hallow shows the closest thing to what the nation was before, and that was a maritime country that exported raw materials. Lumber, Ores, and crafted items were exports. They remain exports, but not many want anything to do with anything that comes from these lands, in fear that a curse may folow them.


Founding Date
Geopolitical, Duchy
Alternative Names
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
The Gillian
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

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