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Amarna, the Ancient Shepherd

The Ancient Keeper of Light

Amarna is known as the God of the Soothing Light and holds the seventh seat of the Vaanir Pantheon.
He is considered the god of sanctuaries, hope, and guidance.   In the depths of the ocean floor wanders an ancient creature, so old that it's said he came before many of the known deities. This curious being known as Amarna has long been a guardian of the cavernous depths, bringing light to any who lose themselves within the black pits of despair. Should you ever feel trapped, within walls of stone or the prison of your mind, call out to the ancient spirit of the depths and may his light shine a path towards salvation.


Amarna has been described in many curious and even monstrous forms. Many simply depict him as a glowing fish, or more commonly an anglerfish, others choosing other aquatic lifeforms such as turtles or jellyfish, but always on the smaller side to grant him access to the smallest caverns. Some believe him to have the form of an ancient beast of horror but having renounced his wicked nature and now bears a gentle face when revealed in the dim light of his lantern.   Some instead favor a more humanoid form to present him as an old and wise man. He's often hunched over and supports himself with a staff but radiates strength of will and always bears a warm expression upon his face. It's common to see his more curious traits and humanoid form combined into one, mixing various elements to almost form a withered abomination of the seas. But what always remains true is the soothing aura around him, his glowing eyes bringing hope to those who gaze upon him.


Most tales speak of Amarna being a man of few words, to the point where many simply believe he's mute. It's generally accepted that he has little need for words, allowing his actions to speak for him instead as he seeks to rescue others from darkness. It's widely believed that his will is what guides mortals towards the light whenever they find themselves lost, especially in networks of deep caverns or mazes carved into the earth.   For those still remain trapped, it's considered custom to leave any nearby animals alone as any of them might be Amarna in disguise. As the unfortunate souls rest their eyes, his aura keeps monsters at bay while his staff keeps the enclosed space from crumbling down upon them. Similarly, if any animal is seen to almost follow you through such dark times, such are believed to serve as his eyes as he follows you closely and makes sure that you remain safe.   Amarna isn't said to deal in hostile actions, always avoiding conflict wherever possible. If hostile actions are taken against him or the creatures he beckons forth to serve him in the dark, he'll simply vanish into the shadows. Those under his care who foolishly lash out at him have been known to suffer the collapse of their surroundings, never to be seen again. His enemies instead are often drawn into the very darkness he's known to keep at bay, losing themselves in an earthen maze of rising waters.


Amarna's light is said to pierce any darkness and serve as both a tool for salvation or pain. His magic can heal those under his care while also strike down the fiends who lurk in the shadows. He sometimes carries a mace with him, one which can act like a radiant torch and weapon alike. Although he isn't known for ever using it as such, only wielding it to serve as a beacon of hope to those who stand beside him.   His kinship with the depths and ocean floor have granted him mastery over water and earth alike. His powers can shape and bend tunnels through the underground, clearing away or flooding entire areas at a whim. His arcane prowess also grants him a powerful gift of the mind, blessing his allies with renewed energy and strength. Known to take on many forms, he's also a master of shapechanging, from animals to bioluminescent plants of the murky depths.


It's uncommon to find anyone truly devoted to Amarna as he isn't known to seek new followers. Regardless, select sworn followers can often be found in larger settlements, working amongst other faiths to aid their followers with any burdens they might have. His most well known followers are often lone hermits who live close to the coast, delving into their studies in peace and solitude. Despite his lack of followers, many have spun tales of their hour of need, calling out to him in desperation and soon finding their path forward, making him well respected in most cultures.   Those who serve him within the borders of civilization are always gentle souls looking to aid others. They'll often listen intently to their woes and seek to find a path forward towards a brighter future. Those who keep to themselves are still known to aid those in need but can be quite reserved and only bother if the need is truly dire. A handful of noble souls are even said to form a devout order of his followers, masters of the arcane lending their aid across the many corners of the world, never truly revealing themselves. Those of his servants who travel are those who look to fight back the darkness wherever it may lurk.  


  • Hold tight the light within your heart and you shall know salvation.
  • Delve not where you fear to tread without a guiding hand by your side.
  • Stand as one. A force united shall forever rise up and restore what was lost.

Notable Relations


  • Lyon - Only a few are said to know about Amarna's origins, one of which he regards as the true master of the seas and a dear friend since the dawn of Divinity; Lyon.
  • Ilyse - Due to his lonesome existence within his dark domain, Amarna is always immensely pleased when Ilyse comes to visit with news of the outside world.
  • Ruul - Next to Ruul himself, Amarna is believed to be the second most knowledgeable when it comes to history and happy to spin tales of the past with his dear friend. 


  • Ossara - Although many have attributed Amarna with undeath due to tales of his withered form, he stands firmly against such creatures and Ossara's creation of such.
  • Harakhos - Serving devotedly as the guiding light within their shared plane, Amarna works tirelessly to thwart any and all schemes set forth by Harakhos.
  • Gaal - Despite often being associated with darkness, Amarna is without question a being of light and fights back the darkness of such beings as Gaal.


God of the Soothing Light  


Guardian of the Depths
Light of the Black Abyss
Primordial Wanderer  

Moral Compass

Conscience & Goal  


Overgrown lantern  


Trust in the faintest of light  








The Cavern of Lost Light


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