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Ruul, the Amber Historian

The Eyes of the Soul

Ruul is known as the God of the Silent Legacy and is the fifth child of the Orakiah Pantheon.
He is considered the god of the past, memories, and amber.   In ages past, when Oranok snapped a branch from the world tree, it's said that the resin within slowly took on a shape of its own. This being of amber would come to be known as Ruul, a silent giant with a menacing visage. Long did he wander aimlessly until he found a soul without fear of his presence, lost in grief at the loss of their comrade. Moved by their tales of the past, Ruul sought to honor their memory by carving it into the very essence of the world tree. As the young soul smiled as thanks for his actions, Ruul had finally found his calling as a guardian of those burdened by loss.


Ruul is well known for his true form as an elemental being. Born from the resin of the world tree, it's said that he can take on a more liquid state and navigate areas otherwise inaccessible to a humanoid form. But more commonly he retains his solid state as a man made from amber. Although many simply describe him as purely amber, from his features to his clothing, others attribute more natural features as well, such as leaves and moss making up his hair or parts of his body being made from wood.   Another noteworthy aspect of his appearance is the fact that most would describe his visage as menacing or terrifying. Many lean towards a horrifically deformed face while others believe him to merely look intimidating in general. His eyes are said to pierce deeply into the soul of those he looks upon, petrifying the individual in question. Ruul is commonly clad in simple robes and cloth wrappings, while wooden fragments are used to provide him any armor or mere aesthetic style.


The uninitiated often believe that Ruul is an uncaring and menacing figure due to his silent ways and intimidating appearance. While he certainly has the power to alter these traits, he chooses not to as he strongly believes in staying true to yourself. Being born without the ability to speak, Ruul instead lets his actions speak for him, or uses body language and gestures to communicate. Some claim to have heard his voice in their minds but none can really describe it beyond ambient sounds of the arcane.   Despite his rough appearance, Ruul is a gentle giant who loves to merely sit and take in the area around him. He's often described as being incredibly patient and quite calm, to the point where he could sit in the same spot for years and let nature envelop him as he stares into the horizon. Some would call him slow of both mind and body where others claim he's simply deliberate in all that he does. The fact that he'd sit completely still and listen to your tale, staring intensely, often adds to his menacing presence.   But Ruul is a very caring soul at heart. Very few stories speak of him doing anything other than help grieving souls move on from their loss. The only times he's said to take up arms against anyone is when they threaten the safety of the world tree itself, or when someone hopes to gain from the suffering of those in his care. But his focus is to help others, none who can claim his actions to benefit himself in the slightest. All that Ruul wants to do is help by preserving the memories of the past within the very soul of all realms.


Although he does possess a degree of shapeshifting, Ruul only uses this to shift between his solid state and more slime-based form. This is either used to move through otherwise impassible barriers, or to absorb objects or people. This can be both a blessing or a curse as he can preserve anything inside him for a long time, or choose to break it down into nothing. Both of his forms are said to be almost indestructible, making him one of the most durable deities in terms of raw defensive capability.   Although commonly described as a very slow individual, he can become swift and deadly if he so desires. Ruul is an exceptional martial artist, preferring to use a staff woven from his own body to fight off his opponents. But even without his chosen weapon, his fists can easily shatter anyone unfortunate enough to stand before him. He's also a master sorcerer with extraordinary talent of the mind and command over nature. His direct bond with the world tree itself is also said to grant him a unique mastery of time that only select few could possibly rival.


Ruul isn't a deity who sees a lot of open worship as most only rely on him during times of loss. This leaves him with very few followers in any given settlement, especially larger cities. It's common for grave sites to employ a priest in service of Ruul to help friends and families carry the burden of seeing their loved ones perish. But where Ruul's followers truly shine are in select monasteries beyond the walls of civilization. These are home to his most devoted, dedicating their lives as curators of history and often train their bodies and minds to be as strong as their master.   The true followers of Ruul are known to be incredibly selfless, always serving others before themselves. However, they similarly show no favor towards anyone in particular. Their caring nature extends just as much to the paragons of light as they do to the most vile fiend in the darkest depths. So long as anyone requires their aid, they will extend their hand and ease their burdens. However, they remain incredibly devoted to their task and unless any given individual is suffering from loss, they're quick to retreat to the sanctity of their own walls. Those who do travel often do so in search of those who'd take advantage of the weak, doing whatever it takes to bring them to justice.  


  • Remember always the path which lead you to the present.
  • Safeguard the sanctity of mind and soul's grace.
  • Carve the annals of history. Knowledge and truth are of paramount importance.

Notable Relations


  • Garon - Working tirelessly for the sake of truth, Ruul and Garon both are of a similar mind in their shared vow to ensure the sanctity of knowledge.
  • Dohanna - Although the sanctity of truth is one of Ruul's most sacred charges, he maintains a strong sense of secrecy where necessary, under the guidance of Dohanna.
  • Zaul - Few were granted the ability to oversee time itself, leading to a strong, yet curious partnership between Ruul's care for the past and Zaul's gaze towards the future.


  • Jayle - Known for his mischievous and sinister deeds, Jayle often obfuscates and desecrates the sanctity of truth, much to Ruul's constant dismay.
  • Nazaala - Ruul stands for clarity of mind and has little patience for those who indulge in revelry and lose sight of themselves, such as Nazaala and his followers.
  • Izrir - While others are known to tamper with mind and memory, Ruul shows active disdain towards Izrir who actively seeks to defile both wherever possible.


God of the Silent Legacy  


Fist of the Bleeding Oak
Monolith of Peace
Guardian of the World's Memory  

Moral Compass

Conscience & Goal  


Amber chisel  


May your deeds forever be remembered  








The Heart of Time


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