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Gaal, the Hungering Maw

The Fangs of Creation

Gaal is known as the God of the Twisting Halls and serves as the second pillar of the Therion Pantheon.
He is considered the god of gluttony, the depths, and darkness.   Deep within the eternal darkness of the Nether, a great beast roams the cavernous depths. Here he feasts upon all in his wake, consuming rock and flesh alike, never known to rest for a single moment. This monstrosity is known as Gaal, his ravenous hunger said to create the very foundations of the fiendish realms from each and every speck of dust and bone lost to his unending appetite.


Gaal is thought to be a monstrous creature, commonly in the shape of a colossal wyrm borne of darkness, rivalling the Drakanii in size. However, only a handful of his fellow deities are said to have laid their eyes upon him, ever hidden in the darkness of his cavernous domain. Others believe him to take the form of a black slime or a monstrous hound, maintaining the image of a hungering fiend.   Only on very rare occasions, when summoned to stand before his mistress, does he take on a humanoid form. Regardless, he maintains his monstrous features and remains a terrifying sight to behold, the palms of his hands thought to be ever-consuming maws. Select few depictions paint him in a more noble form, taking on the strong form of a giant shaping entire civilizations, feasting with his followers for a job well done.


Often thought to be a simple-minded creature, many perceive Gaal as nothing more than a beast infused with divine power, serving his fiendish masters without question. Always digging through the depths to maintain the terrifying wonders of the Nether, it's said that he doesn't even speak, only growls and roars ever leaving his endless maw. Never resting, he does nothing but follow his orders in a futile attempt to sate his hunger.   With tales speaking of how he was once a mere pet, it's believed that his devotion to his charge stems from an undying loyalty to the one who cared for him in his early years. Others claim his monstrous form to be a ruse, only choosing to be a monster to keep others from interfering with his work, using fear and intimidation just to avoid distractions. Although some see this as him caring about the lives of others, it's widely believed that he shows no remorse for the lives lost by failing to step out of his path.   Select few claim to have been blessed with his guidance, inspiration piercing their minds to shape awe-inspiring wonders of architecture throughout the ages. These people speak of a noble, yet simple, soul, wanting nothing more than to build and shape the world for others to enjoy. Certain communities and guilds have chosen to take these stories to heart, looking to Gaal as a being enthralled by creativity with an endless appetite for new ideas and feasts of celebration.


The stories of Gaal's monstrous form speak of his ability to consume anything in his path, the depths of his being a dark void where all things crumble to dust. Some say his fangs can crush anything while others claim acidic fluids to be the cause. All that he consumes in turn become the building blocks of his creations, from the smallest shrines to monolithic towers of horror reaching to the burning skies of the Nether.   Although such occasions are rare, his martial prowess comes in the form of two great flails, crushing anyone who dares to stand in his way. Only a handful of records speak of his skill in magic, his powers of creation being the most notable in shaping structures and realms alike for his fellow deities. Although most well known for his constructions of terror, he's believed to just as easily create wonders of divine radiance, so long as he's ordered to do so.


Most would rather avoid even the slightest mention of the great beast of the depths. Gaal's intimidating presence often leaves him with select few followers, many of which have a tendency to be uncaring gluttons of society, only looking to satisfy their own needs. But select groups of builders and miners are known to favor his guidance, fearing not the darkness and much prefer his unusual style and more creative freedom in his work. Although more common in less refined territories, there are some who've prospered as visionaries of architecture in some of the most famous cities.   His followers are well known for being quite loyal, even those who may seem irresponsible and selfish. They'll often be very passionate about their work and revel in celebration when a new milestone has been reached. Those who lean towards Gaal's creativity love to challenge modern concepts and are keen to try new things whenever they can. Most would prefer settling down somewhere but sometimes have to travel the world in search of a place where they can truly hope to achieve their goals. Others simply wish to delve into the darkness, hoping to better understand their god and brave the horrors of the deep.  


  • Heed your masters or face the eternal damnation of the deep dark below.
  • A hunger unsated makes for a broken soul. A broken soul will know only failure.
  • In darkness there is peace. That which others fear makes for a solitary domain.

Notable Relations


  • Nergal - Gaal's ties to the underground has made him a close ally of Nergal, reinforcing the depths to best contain the immense power resting below.
  • Nazaala - The endless hunger of Gaal is widely believed to be sated frequently by a number of Nazaala's grand feasts, a token of their friendship.
  • Taralon - Said to be a lonesome being in the deep dark, Gaal often enjoys the company of Taralon and aids him in his efforts to keep watch over those who are lost.


  • Ashera - Caring little for the world above, believing it too noisy and tumultuous, Gaal holds little respect for Ashera and her crackling fury rolling across the skies.
  • Kalama - Due to his domain being home to many valuable resources, Kalama often lays claim to the depths, while Gaal much prefers his solitary rule over the underground.
  • Zhaarn - Legend says that Gaal holds immense power over the chains of banishment, his most important charge to ensure that Zhaarn remains locked away from the World Tree.


God of the Twisting Halls  


Architect of Darkness
Beast in the Depths
Master of the Eternal Feast  

Moral Compass

Oath & Goal  


Circular maw full of sharp teeth  


Darkness bring you peace  








The Writhing Depths


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