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Kalama, the Diamond Prince

The Glittering Prince of Thieves

Kalama is known as the God of Earthen Fortune and is the first child of the Orakiah Pantheon.
He is considered the god of luck, mining, and thievery.   Born from the very heart of his father, Kalama came into this world in the form of a living diamond. His very being brimming with joy, he set out to explore the cavernous depths from which he was born, eventually setting out to new lands. With the coming of mortals, he would grow fond of their games and share in their love for the riches of the earth, blessing the less fortunate with the gifts of the deep, provided they had luck on their side.


Kalama's true form is said to be that of an elemental born of diamond and is believed to be one of the shortest deities. Due to the nature of this form, many have attempted to seek him out in order to carve a piece of his body for themselves, a few fragments said to be hidden across the realms. Because of such hunters, he rarely maintains this form, often opting to be a simple elemental of rock and stone.   However, even this form is quite rare as he greatly prefers to keep a mortal form, commonly that of a gnome. His skin retains an earthen color while his golden locks shimmer faintly in the light. He's well known to don himself in many different outfits, from the elegant attire of nobility to the practical clothing of miners. Kalama often keeps several bags on his person, containing various gemstones, dice, and cards to always be ready to slip some wealth into other people's pockets or have some fun with a quick game.


Kalama is well known for being a trickster with a heart of gold. He's shown to care deeply for mortalkind, especially those who find themselves in dire straits. While he might still aid more fortunate souls, he much prefers to even the scales and allow for the poor to rise from their distressing lives. Sometimes this kindness might simply be to add a bit of coin to their pockets but such only occurs rarely for those in truly desperate situations.   His much preferred method of lending his aid comes in the form of games of chance. Whenever he decides to offer his blessing, he'll appear in disguise and present an offer that's often quite lucrative. Despite his love for such games and the chance for people to gain nothing should they lose, whenever he chooses to aid someone he might play around to scare them for a moment but always ends up paying up what he offered, simply wanting to have some fun.   His mischievous side truly reveals itself when he comes across the selfish and the greedy. Those who simply hoard instead of using their wealth to aid others are some of his least favorite people. These are the people he'll appear before and use his powers to win everything they own so that he might use it to help others instead. Whenever he's not busy helping or stealing from others, he'll simply spend his time enjoying the games he loves for nothing but the fun of it or dig through the earth, pretending to be a mere mortal miner.


It's widely believed that Kalama has the power to alter anything otherwise associated with random chance. Some believe it mere strokes of luck while others claim it to be as simple as guiding the roll of the dice or placement of cards or veins of ore in the ground. What's certain is his keen intellect and knowledge of different games, mastering the art of gambling even without any use of divine power at his side.   His earthen nature allows him great control over the depths of caverns, as well as making him incredibly resilient and strong. Although his trusty pickaxe might suggest martial prowess, he much prefers setting up traps and using illusions and transmutations to slip away and evade conflict wherever possible. This also includes his great skill in changing shapes to blend in and hide amongst mortals, even using animal forms from time to time to study society without bother.


Almost every known establishment with a focus on gambling pays homage to Kalama. The variety of people who might frequent such places also makes his followers a diverse sort, from the common farmer to noble heroes. Many taverns with room for games of chance also tend to pay their respects. Sites of worship devoted to him are commonly small in size, using any donations they receive to maintain shelters and orphanages whenever possible. Despite the range of followers looking to him for inspiration, the most prominent are miners and gnomes.   In honor of his origins and love for games, the ace of diamonds in a deck of cards is commonly referred to as "a Kalama". Several games involving this card's importance have since been made in ages past and live on to this day. His followers are known to be hearty and love to kick back and relax after a hard day's work. While some may be tricksters, they're often kind people with respect for the rules of games. Those who claim to worship Kalama but maintain a selfish disposition are almost always actively sought out by his true followers, planning the most public way for them to become a laughing stock.  


  • Dive deep and take a chance. To fear risk is to fear life itself.
  • When doubt grips your soul, put your faith in the simplest of tricks.
  • Seek the fortunes of those who hoard, for the benefit of those who struggle.

Notable Relations


  • Zynnah - Zynnah's passion for the joys of life once drew the curiosity of Kalama, who went on a journey to the heavens to share his own passions and learn from the gentle goddess.
  • Sarym - Kalama's love for games and Sarym's equal love for competition made the two deities connect instantly and have since time immemorial been close friends and rivals.
  • Nazaala - Many tales involving Kalama also make mention of Nazaala due to their shared joy for the sheer revelry of a good game, especially those involving strong booze.


  • Ashnard - Although Kalama holds no real grievances with Ashnard, he does find his hoard of treasure far too expansive for even a Draconic Lord and often seeks to ferry it away.
  • Xayon - Stories speak of a time when Kalama challenged Xayon to several games and left with frustration for how he continued to calculate the perfect plays and outcomes.
  • Arreth - Kalama holds a particular disdain for those consumed by greed and actively seeks to sweep away their fortunes, leading to a seething hatred for Arreth.


God of Earthen Fortune  


Ace of Diamonds
Shimmering Saint
Heart of the Mountain  

Moral Compass

Whim & Conscience  


Golden die  


Luck of the draw be in your favor  








The City of Splendors


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