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Gerrod, the Spark of Inspiration

Master of the Untold Wonders

Gerrod is known as the God of Arcane Wonders and holds the seventh seat on the Aalynien Pantheon.
He is considered the god of innovation, security, and machinery.   Long has the origins of Gerrod remained a mystery. Some claim that he was born from the very spark of imagination, others that Xayon created him to aid in constructing more intricate mechanisms, and there are those who believe him to have ascended to godhood through his incredibly mind. Regardless of which story is true, he's credited with providing mortals with the wisdom to forge all kinds of arcane contraptions and runic devices, from easy access to water to communication and security.


Gerrod's most well established trait is his short stature. All of his origins speak of how he was either born to be smaller to maintain a stronger grasp on small details, or that he simply was a short creature who rose to greatness. Another trait is his piercing eyes, so focused he could watch an image for a single moment and recall everything to perfection. Depictions range from anywhere between the size of a gnome or a dwarf, but most commonly it's the former or somewhere in between.   Another notable aspect of his appearance is the fact that he's always made out to have multiple arms on his left side. With his right hand grasping whatever object he's working on, each of his left arms carry the tools or weapons he requires. This allows him to easily continue working with little delay instead of wasting even a few seconds of time. One of these arms usually carries a mechanical rod said to grant him unimaginable arcane power to continuously infuse his creations with mana.


Much like his origins, very few can claim to know much about Gerrod as an individual. Most who've had the honor of receiving his blessing speak only of a logical mind as a vision of ingenuity envelops their minds. It's widely believed that he's simply one born of unwavering logic, following a very strict code in both his work and interactions with others. This has lead to most claiming that he's unable to lie, disobey his superiors, and always has a reason for every action he takes.   This also leads to one of the most well known conspiracies among the deities. It's widely believed that Gerrod has created untold amounts of wondrous devices that could revolutionize the entire world. These are commonly described as the tools of natural science, some of which are enhanced by mana to unite the material and the arcane into one. However, those above him claim the mortal races unprepared to receive such gifts and as such he's forced to keep his creations a secret, which is only further established by nations commanding select incredible creations that seem distant to commoners.   It's said that this has made him quite cold towards others, thereby focusing on pure logic without an ounce of emotion. This also makes him a calculating businessman, caring only for the commercial benefit without worrying about the perceptions of others. As such he cares little for the moral compass of his followers, bestowing both good and evil with his designs and witness how the mortal world takes to them when first wielded by one side or the other.


Gerrod is said to possess an incredible mind, focused and full of creative ideas to improve upon the world around him. He's especially talented in creating intricate devices rather than simple tools like blades, granting him a wide arsenal of both mechanical and arcane contraptions to aid himself and others. Whether its curious concoctions or cunning traps, anything he creates is carefully thought out and even a slight error could bring about the wrong outcome.   Part of his body, specifically his left arms, are said to be entirely mechanical, making him part machine and part man. He commands a powerful rod imbued with the power to absorb mana, allowing him to shield himself from most arcane attacks. But if he's to do battle himself, he'll like turn to cunning deception by using his creations. Should anyone get close enough, he wields his shortsword with incredibly precision and skill, moving as if he had written the manuals on proper swordplay.


Amidst the arcane scholars of the world, his following is widely thought to be the smallest. Many often make him out to be a subordinate of Salhaan, working out the more intricate details of his master's work. Those who lean towards his scientific advancements also like to sometimes name him the hand of Xayon. But those who are truly devoted to his ways consider him his own master. These people are often thought to be quite eccentric within their communities, some being cast out for their progressive ideas. He's favored most by cultures without ready access to magic, especially goblins, while others include the gnomes and dwarves often associated with his stature.   His followers can often be very passionate about their work, trying to enlighten others as to the benefits of focusing on natural science. Many do however keep to themselves, stepping forth once they have something new to share. This makes them a somewhat rare sight to the outside world, most seeing little reason to travel outside of the cities. Those that do often seek to learn from ancient mechanisms and gain knowledge from others in distant lands. But most importantly, they often wish to seek out their divine master and bring his creations to the material plane, for if Gerrod may not reveal them himself, his followers might do it for him.  


  • Fuel the spark of imagination to bring enlightenment to the world.
  • Safeguard that which is yours through ingenuity and arcanum.
  • No goal is beyond reach. Creativity shall forever guide you towards success.

Notable Relations


  • Baharan - Although Gerrod may not always approve of Baharan's desire for destruction, the two share a passion for creating new tools to see all realms grow better and stronger.
  • Xayon - Whether due to conservative ideals or Divine Law keeping their shared vision limited, the progressive creations of both Gerrod and Xayon has lead to a strong partnership.
  • Salhaan - As a fellow arcanist with an interest in unique spellcraft, Gerrod and Salhaan are said to collaborate on developing new means of weaving magic and binding its powers into new forms.


  • Myrrha - Gerrod maintains a very focused and deliberate mindset, one that Myrrha loves to disrupt and in turn bring chaos to both him and his workshop through slight arcane catastrophes.
  • Ylora - Firm in his belief that magic can take many forms, Gerrod is immensely displeased with Ylora's constant displeasure with any attempts to fuse magic with science.
  • Arreth - While Gerrod is quite eager to share his discoveries with others, the same cannot be said about Arreth, which in turn has sown a rivalry between the two deities of creation.


God of Arcane Wonders  


Scholar of Science
Spark of Imagination
Lord of Logic  

Moral Compass

Oath & Goal  


Two interconnected cogs  


Glory to the spark of imagination  








The Clockwork Undercity


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