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Xayon, the Lightforged Architect

First of the Divine Constructs

Xayon is known as the God of Celestial Perfection and holds the fifth seat of the Celestine Pantheon.
He is considered the god of architecture, constructs, and organization.   In ages past, when the first cities of the heavens rose within the Aether, divine constructs were carved to oversee the construction of these radiant beacons of celestial grandeur. The first and finest of these were Xayon, blessed with the knowledge of the gods and a will of his own to learn and improve his skills. He has since risen above his simple form, infused with even greater divinity to serve as a light to those hoping to create and build truly magnificent wonders of the world.


Xayon isn't known for taking on any mortal forms, nor does he appear to have any intent of descending from his divine realm. He instead remains true to his origins, his only known depictions being that of various kinds of constructs and golems. The designs of these vary greatly depending on the age in which they were described, appearing quite simplistic on the earliest carvings found in draconic ruins and cities.   He's often made out to be a tall and bulky figure but clad in a nobleman's attire, maintaining a regal appearance. His expressions are very limited due to the nature of his very being but some like to make him out to have a humanoid face, carved into the stone and metal that otherwise make up his body. Some even add other features such as hair, beard, and jewelry, simply to have him appear more majestic than a common construct.


Due to the nature of his being, Xayon isn't known for his sparkling personality. Most would claim that he doesn't have one in the first place, merely following the orders he was given on the day of his creation. With no real evidence to suggest otherwise, he's merely respected for the skills he's come to master throughout the ages, most seeing him as a loyal servant with little regard for anything but his duties.   However, those devoted to his guidance often like to describe him as more than his earthen form suggests. His loyalty stems from a desire to maintain order and structure in all things, believing firmly in an organized work ethic and a strong chain of command. Some would even describe him as a harsh master, his eye for perfection making him incredibly difficult to please along with showing no desire to allow for spontaneous ideas and unnecessary design elements when working on any project.   He takes great care to plan out every little detail in anything he does, to the point where most like to claim that any faults in his design comes down to poor execution from those made to bring his vision to life. He can be very cold and calculating, knowing little of beauty or love for anything but his work. Maintaining his distance from mortals, when he finally does reach out to anyone it's considered a great honor and never taken lightly.


Xayon's a master artisan with many talents, from artistic design to production of a great variety of goods. But he's most well known for his architectural vision, said to have brought about a great majority of the settlements within the Aether, including even the cities of the upper planes. His quest for perfection is said to be incomprehensible to mortal minds, few others able to boast his art of craftsmanship.   This same vision grants him great knowledge of cities in general. Some believe that he has a certain fondness for turning large cities into mazes, favoring those who can easily navigate intricate pathways in settlements and dungeons alike. His prowess on the battlefield focuses primarily on his tactical mind and knowledge of siege warfare. Should he be required to take up arms himself, he'll rain down destruction from afar with his crossbow while bolstering his allies with the tools they need to best their foes.


Architects and artisans of craftsmanship are his most well known followers. These often flock to the largest cities to do business as Xayon's believed to disregard villages and other smaller settlements. Many others within these great cities can also be found to favor him, from simple construction workers to the soldiers who stand ready to defend it. On the other hand, some favor him for his tactical genius, especially in times of war when striking the cities of other nations, hoping to gain his insight in navigating the streets and striking its weak points with powerful siege weapons.   His followers often delve deeply into their work and can sometimes neglect other aspects of life. You'll often find them lost in their books, expecting professionalism from those around them. Some of the people who pay homage to him are the people who use the city as a maze, even certain criminals favoring order within their syndicates. Most like to remain within the confines of the city walls but others are known to travel and draw inspiration from ruins of old and the extraordinary creations found in realms beyond.  


  • The structure and order of a meticulous mind leads to expertise and mastery of craft.
  • Detail is love. To go beyond is to know the true passion of a caring heart.
  • Heed the wisdom of those who came before and you shall not falter as they did.

Notable Relations


  • Gerrod - Whether Xayon or Gerrod came first, their bond to one another is undeniable as partners of innovation akin to that of a master and apprentice.
  • Baharan - Although Xayon focuses more intently on detail and slower progress, he holds great respect for the industrial mind of Baharan and his intense work ethic.
  • Arreth - The cityscapes woven from Xayon's mind are said to come at the request of Arreth, the two close partners in the betterment of the civilized world.


  • Nergal - Most tales of Nergal speak of his destructive power and the damage it brings to the civilized world, much to Xayon's immense displeasure.
  • Halanir - Xayon cares little for the wilds beyond civilization, seeking to expand without care for the natural wonders of Halanir and her children.
  • Daalos - Souls like Daalos who choose to wander the distant lands far from the graces and comforts of society are of little consequence to Xayon.


God of Celestial Perfection  


Lord of the Celestial City
Master of the Siege
Heavenly Architect  

Moral Compass

Oath & Goal  


Scrollcase with a cog-shaped lock  


Have faith in the grand design  








The City of Arcanum


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