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Halanir, the Grovewarden

Mother of the Untamed Wilds

Halanir is known as the Goddess of Nature's Beauty and is the second child of the Orakiah Pantheon.
She is considered the goddess of nature, animals, and spring.   Born from the very essence of the World Tree, it is said that she came to be when Oranok snapped a branch from the World Tree to serve as his walking stick. Halanir has since served as a keeper of nature and guardian of the wilds. Her power is said to have given birth to many great forests and hidden groves, her children watching over each and every one at their hearts. Many have long sought to seek them out, believing them the key to locating the illusive fountain of life: the spring that rose from the earth where Halanir first took root.


Many ancient depictions tell the tale of how Halanir grew to become a great tree, who like her father would one day walk her own path. As such, she is most commonly depicted in the form of a colossal elemental carved from wood, maintaining a youthful visage as her crown continues to hold several freshly bloomed flowers. She's most often depicted as a great oak but several depictions have made her out to be other types of trees.   When taking on a mortal form, she is said to prefer the shape of a satyr. Her darker skin is thought to resemble her true form, her long hair flowing wildly down her back with flowers growing from its roots. Others who claim to have seen a glimpse of her on their travels say she appeared in the form of a gnome or vanu but her appearances are few and far between. But those blessed with such a sight speak of a motherly figure, nature rising in her wake with every step.


Halanir is best known for her motherly grace. She is said to be of noble heart, her soul filled with kindness but knowing well when to be strict with her children and followers alike. Many claim to have felt her embrace while traversing the untamed wilds, their souls filled with a soothing warmth that would rejuvenate their spirits and bodies alike. Although such a gift is rare, those who have shown their devotion to nature have been known to bear witness to her true kindness.   In her charge as a guardian of the wilds, she is well known for showing little care to the confines of society's walls. Her passion for nature is said to be even with her distaste for civilization, despising how many show little respect for the gifts of the land and the animals that live alongside it. Just as she is known to be kind towards those who share her devotion, so too may she ignore those who continue to show no love towards nature.   However, stories speak of her vast patience, even the most vile souls being able to turn a new leaf and earn her favor. Similarly, she is believed to settle down in the lands she visits for a long time, her radiance helping the wilds grow strong until she sets out once again. While rarely revealing herself to those who swear to have discovered her presence, she will always watch over those who bow before her, or imprison any amongst the trees should they seek only to harm her lands.


Halanir is known to command the raw power of nature itself. While she is able to bring plants and trees to life to aid her in battle, she has little interest in doing so as such would bring harm to that which she loves. However, she will often trap her enemies with entangling roots and twisting branches, either showing mercy by planting an arrow in their hearts or punishing the wicked by trapping them within her trees for them to reflect upon their actions until the tree eventually withers away.   Her command over nature also grants her a gift of life, wielding the healing properties of herbs and natural rejuvenation to aid those in need. Much like her way of punishing the wicked, so too can her aid seem slow at first, her path being a patient one that can lead to building up immunities. Her kinship with nature also grants her powerful abilities of shapechanging as well as communion with all creatures and beings of the wild.


The most common worshippers of Halanir are druidic circles, far removed from the confines of civilization. The only exceptions are the wild elven and gnome settlements that become one with the forests that surround them. Despite such exceptions, her shrines are never located within their borders and can instead be found far enough away that you cannot see the settlements beyond the trees. But the most notable places of worship are the hidden groves that only those deemed worthy are allowed to enter, all others either having their memories purged of its location or forced to become one with the grove itself.   Although her followers are often kind and caring individuals, they are also commonly bound by strict rules. This can make them quite intimidating towards others as they will not sway away from terrifying actions for the good of the land. So long as their laws are met, they are known to be free spirits taking whatever actions they deem necessary to protect nature and their allies. It's quite rare to find the followers of Halanir within more civilized settlements, opting only to stay in such places near natural sites like parks where they offer healing remedies or sell flowers and seeds to those looking to add some natural beauty to their world.  


  • Respect the bounty of nature and it shall bless you with its gifts.
  • Honor the creatures of the wild and they will guide you towards salvation.
  • Let the fury of the wilds smother and tangle those with hearts of desecration.

Notable Relations


  • Nergal - Although Nergal is most well known for his powers of destruction, Halanir stands among those who speaks of his gentle gift of creation and his fondness for nature.
  • Cira - Halanir's devotion to the natural beauty of all things leads to a union with Cira who strives for the same whenever possible and aids in bringing life to the woodlands.
  • Erima - Charged with the comfort of home, Erima is said to have a fondness for domesticated animals and is thought to share the domain of animals with Halanir.


  • Ossara - Regardless of their sisterly bond and Halanir's understanding of the natural cycle, she holds little favor for Ossara and her indulgence of necromancy and undeath.
  • Zhaarn - As one who twists beasts into his service, Zhaarn is a sworn foe of Halanir who remains ever vigilant for any sign of his deranged minions to bring them peace.
  • Izrir - Halanir is said to despise the very existence of Izrir as his parasitic essence taints and twists all that it touches, causing a tremendous toll on nature and animals alike.


Goddess of Nature's Beauty  


Spirit of the World Tree
Nature's Mother
Heart of the Forest  

Moral Compass

Conscience & Goal  


Wolf wrapped in vines  


May nature's grace bring you peace  








The Eternal Woods


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