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Izuka, the Heavenly Herald

Harbinger of the Coming Storm

Izuka is known as the God of the Eternal Vigil and is the fifthborn of the Drakanii Pantheon.
He is considered the god of heralds, unity, and vigilance.   The most noble soul amongst the Draconic Lords is Izuka, sworn to his charge and never wavering in his service to protect all life across the world tree. His mind is said to be one of serene peace and understanding, allowing him to interpret the will of the land when Yune receives her visions from the Divine Matron. He was the first of the deities to leave the material plane behind and make way for mortalkind, gazing out across the realms from afar, ready to summon its people on the day the Void shall descend from the great beyond.


Very few depictions have ever been made of Izuka's true form in ages past and each one is regarded as some of the most valuable treasures across the planes. He is the father of the kirin, his scales the purest white, bathing in the azure light of mana itself. His mane and antlers share the same aesthetic, his form so bright that his siblings would have to describe him to those seeking to carve his greatness into the ancient records of the past.   Many have sought to replicate his likeness from these ancient carvings but these lack Izuka's radiance which is imbued into the very stone itself. Modern depictions are known to give him the shape of a draconic satyr instead, or simply taking on the form of a dragonborn or a great sage of other races, depending on the artist. His expression is often that of a calm elder or a vigilant guardian, always carrying himself with the grace of nobility.


Few would argue against the claims that Izuka is the most devoted and noble of his brethren. While his siblings may look down upon others for their selfless or wicked ways, Izuka is said to care deeply for each and every soul across all the realms. Even in a world of cruelty would he continue his charge to protect those who call Gailardia their home. His kind heart has also made him out to be the heart of the Draconic Lords, seeking to bring them all together through thick and thin.   Ever devoted to his charge, Izuka was the first to venture beyond the material plane and forge a divine realm for himself. Here he would gaze out towards the world tree, ever vigilant of the deeds of deities and mortals alike. However, in doing so he also chose to live a life of solitude, fearing that others might distract his gaze and allow the Void to slither past his watch. However, even though he seeks to avoid the attention of others, he has no intention of abandoning those who cry out for his aid.   As the only one with the clarity to understand the words of the Divine Matron, he commands a powerful presence to bring order amongst his fellow deities when translating the visions of his sister. Along with his kind heart, it's said that Izuka will be the one to lead the forces of light against the Void, serving as a beacon to all living beings of Gailardia. Even the most vile souls are said to rally to his call, which some claim to be the only reason that certain deities refrain from seeking the demise of others.


Izuka's most notable gift is his ability to gaze out towards every corner of the world tree. This allows him to monitor the actions of every soul and remain on constant watch for external threats from the cosmos. However, it's believed that while he sees all, he can't necessarily hear all. Despite his ability to see what transpires anywhere upon the planes, he's known to never interfere with anything other than events that would threaten the entire world tree, only warning other deities at most.   Beyond this extraordinary power, he's said to be a powerful sorcerer and capable fighter. His arcane might is said to be second only to Garon while his martial prowess, while admirable, isn't considered one of his greater strengths. Instead, he possesses a tactical mind and keen insight when it comes to leading others into battle. His true strength is to aid his allies with enchantments and boons, choosing to support others while more capable combatants lead the charge.


Izuka's solitary ways, seeking to focus his attention on his charge alone, has left him with little desire to earn the favor of mortals. However, never seeking to erase the evidence of his existence, there are those who've come to seek out his guidance. Select kobold tribes still maintain a degree of service to the father of kirins but even their kind had little dealings with the kirin in ages past. Outside of such draconic circles, he's earned the most favor from the high elves as many believe the kirin to have originated from their homelands.   The most devout followers of Izuka know well enough to only seek his guidance when necessary, wishing not to disturb their master. Others who merely know of his existence like to offer him prayers in the hopes that he might enlighten them with tidings for the coming days. Due to the lack of any religion in his name, his followers are commonly associated with other beliefs and rarely serve Izuka alone. Those that do tend to live secluded lives away from civilization, providing their master with the power of faith far from the curious gaze of those who'd disturb his charge.  


  • Remain vigilant against those who would bring darkness onto the world.
  • Stand as one. Only together can the land's children seek enlightenment.
  • Speak your mind. Raise your voice in the face of adversity and wickedness.

Notable Relations


  • Yune - Serving as part of the integral translation of the Will of the Land, Izuka keeps a strong bond with Yune as both a loyal companion and kind brother.
  • Zynnah - As a beacon of unity and voice of cooperation, Izuka is a close ally of the Aalynien pantheon and Zynnah herself, one of few said to know of his realm's location.
  • Erima - Izuka's kind heart shines brightly in service of familial bonds, leading to a strong bond between himself and Erima, often turning to her for guidance and support.


  • Camus - For those initiated in the knowledge of their existence, Izuka is said to hold a disdain for Camus due to his incessant belief that he had no need for others to perform his duties.
  • Harakhos - Few stories speak of Harakhos in a unified light, ever using his minions without care for their fates, angering Izuka who once sought to guide him down a brighter path.
  • Nazaala - Believed to be a very deliberate and meticulous being, stories speak of his annoyance in the obnoxious and overabundant revelries of Nazaala, thought to disturb his vigilance immensely.


God of the Eternal Vigil  


Heavenly Beacon
Keeper of the Golden Bell
Lord of the Radiant Army  

Moral Compass

Oath & Conscience  


Sapphire flower bud  


Stay forever vigilant  








Vale of Eternity's Reach


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