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Yune, the Radiant Voice

Heart of the World Tree

Yune is known as the Goddess of Divine Balance and is the fourthborn of the Drakanii Pantheon.
She is considered the goddess of the Fey powers, balance, and the World Tree.   It's said that Yune is the only deity capable of speaking directly with the Divine Matron and thusly serves as the speaker of the gods. However, despite this exceptional quality, she only receives visions and mysterious prophecies from the mother of gods, which in turn must be interpreted by her younger brother. This vital role elevates her above most of the Draconic Lords which, along with her mastery of fey magic, has dubbed her the very heart of the world tree itself.


Standing out amongst her fellow kin, Yune is the smallest of the Draconic Lords, as well as one of the shortest deities of all. She's depicted as the mother of the illusive newts, her scales and form ever-shifting in color and shape but often said to match her surroundings to remain hidden. However, none can claim to have ever laid their eyes upon her true form. Only select few speak of the times when a radiant flash appeared before them, believing this guiding light to have been the light of her wings.   Although her true form remains a mystery, she's been given many alternate depictions by her followers. The most common is that of a dragonborn, short in size with the elegant wings of a fairy. Others take the shapes of her most devoted followers of nature, whether they be the mortal races or other animals and creatures born of fey magic. Regardless of her form, she's made out to be a calm and gentle goddess, nature itself springing forth wherever she goes.


Ancient tales of the Draconic Lords speak of a loving sister, a playful soul with a kind heart but also capable of being quite strict and diligent, commanding a motherly presence in the absence of their true creator. Her voice would sound the loudest with a radiant chime, allowing her to stand out amidst the towering titans in any situation she'd find herself in. She is well known to be deeply focused and in complete control of herself, any and all of her actions done with precision and deliberate care.   Outside the stories from before mortalkind walked the world, tales of her actions paint her as an illusive figure. Rarely does she reveal herself to anyone, remaining hidden and silent to but few of her most devoted. Many question why the formerly playful goddess would choose a life of solitude, some suggesting that conflicts of old amongst the siblings have filled her heart with sorrow, choosing to focus on her duties and suppress her desire to play with those she cares for.   As a guardian of balance, while thought to be kind at heart, so too has she shown signs of cruelty. To honor her charge, the slow decline of individuals and nations alike are often attributed to her voice calling for balance, despite the sadness it inflicts on others. While some focus solely on her cruel actions, others continue to lend their favor in her honor, seeking to stand beside one who bears the responsibility of upholding a delicate force.


It's said that her connection to the world tree grants her knowledge of every known astral link between the planes. This gift allows her to be one of the few deities who can freely travel to every realm as she sees fit, bringing balance wherever she goes. Those she deems worthy, or serves her directly in bringing her words to the other deities, are blessed with the same gift of passage, along with access to her own realm which is said to hold a gateway to all other planes.   Her small size and knowledge of the astral links makes it very difficult to catch her, allowing her to easily escape anyone who'd seek to harm her. Her mastery of fey magic grants her command over nature itself and she's believed to control the seasons, ensuring that the divine and elemental forces of others never leave a scar on the material plane. It's believed that she's the least martial of her siblings, choosing to strike down her foes from afar or bring them into a deep sleep with her soothing voice.


As she travels all realms to speak with her fellow deities, Yune has relations with each and everyone of them to some degree. However, many of these are quite shallow as she wishes to focus on her duty rather than bonding with those whom she might have to judge one day. Most suspect her to remain on good terms with her brethren, as well as the deities like Halanir and Ossara who share a bond with nature, and the more diligent or diplomatic deities such as Alarriel and Salhaan.   Those who seek her wisdom often choose to maintain a form of neutrality but can vary from those who support her kindness or cruelty. Although some of her more wicked followers do so for the joy of others suffering, some instead take up this charge to keep others from being scarred by the sadness that comes from maintaining the balance of power. Many find these people in particular quite worrisome while her remaining followers are often respected to remain hidden as they prefer not to be swayed by the events of other mortals.


Yune is said to the very first deity worshipped by the mortals races, outside the kobolds that came before them. The wild elves have long been devoted to her will, serving as guardians and keepers of balance, only ever stepping forth in service of their goddess' will. The gnomes are also well known for favoring her grace, along with the genasi in service of the woodlands. Many druidic circles are known devote themselves to her will, keeping hidden unless required to correct an imbalance in the world.   Those who seek her wisdom will often choose to maintain a form of neutrality, which can range from those supporting her kindness or cruelty alike. Rarely will her followers take up a path of extreme vision, only ever choosing to step forward in times of need and always in service of their goddess first and foremost. Despite how such variety can make others wary of her followers, they're often quite open about their chosen path, should you manage to meet them outside of their sacred groves.  


  • Balance must be maintained. Take only that which you can give in return.
  • Show equal favor towards both the brightest blossom and the trembling sapling.
  • Always remember to show care. Honor the land as you would tend your own heart.

Notable Relations


  • Rhea - Yune is said to be the only deity to directly interact with the Divine Matron, Rhea, serving as her voice and emissary across all realms of the World Tree.
  • Izuka - Often considered the strongest of bonds between the Drakanii, Izuka's wisdom allows Yune to interpret the Will of the Land and the two are thought to be nigh inseparable.
  • Halanir - As the progenitor of the Fey powers, Yune maintains close ties with Halanir, the two of them working as one to safeguard the beauty and sanctity of the natural wonders.


  • Korelin - As the empress of the elements, Korelin's conquest is said to have wrought untold devastation across the realms, of which Yune has since held great disdain towards.
  • Zaul - Although the two share a gift of prophecy and kinship with the Will of the Land, Yune is wary of the darker path taken by Zaul and the unholy powers his charge could unleash.
  • Izrir - Yune is said to hold a seething hatred for Izrir, yet none are quite certain as to why, but most attribute this loathing to his parasitic nature and disrespect towards life.


Goddess of Divine Balance  


Heart of the World Tree
Speaker of Divine Will
Keeper of the Veiled Gates  

Moral Compass



Great emerald oak tree  


Blessed be the Divine Balance  








Grove of the Crystal Oak


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