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Ghenn, the Dawnbringer

Guardian of the Annual Harvest

Ghenn is known as the God of the Rising Sun and is the fourth child of the Orakiah Pantheon.
He is considered the god of agriculture, the day, and health.   The origins of Ghenn are among the most common mysteries surrounding the deities. Some believe him to be the true son of Halanir others that he's but a fragment of her power made to govern the land, and those who claim him to have been born from a special sapling in the far east of all the realms. Regardless of which tale is true, Ghenn serves as a guardian of the land and keeper of the morning sun. His spirit is said to wander around the world eternally, blessing the early bird with renewed energy and fertile soil.


Ghenn's true form is said to be that of a centaur, clad in simple cloths with plants growing from his body. At times he's described as a satyr with similar features and is considered his preferred if ever he takes on another shape. Those who like to view him in a more abstract form makes him out to be the morning sun as it continues to travel west across the skies. Some honor him by using his form as a scarecrow on the fields, taking great care as to not let it get worn down too much with time.   If ever he's said to walk amongst mortals, he takes on a very unremarkable appearance as to not stand out. Whether elven or otherwise he chooses the form of a common citizen with bland features and dull clothing, the only possible clue to his presence being the sickle at his side and a simple walking stick. Although not one to draw any attention, those who do engage with him would see a calm radiance in his eyes along with a soothing smile, only to quickly forget about the young man as soon as he turns to leave.


Commonly described as one of the most humble deities, Ghenn has little love for standing out and wielding his divine powers to solve tasks. Despite the gifts at his disposal, he much prefers to work as any mortal would do, having no qualms with getting his hands dirty in the fields. Most claim that Ghenn's the first deity to awaken every day, which lead to his domain over the morning sun, immediately heading out to tend to his fields as if he was but a common farmer.   While he enjoys the favor of mortals and does provide his blessing to those who seek it, he also doesn't go out of his way to gain new followers. The only times he truly seeks to assert his influence is when someone defiles the land. If his eye catches such individuals, he can become quite vengeful and curse them with sickness until they choose to purify what they've tainted. Some believe that he only does this out of duty, holding no true desire to see anyone unwell, while others believe that he wields a similar ruthlessness to that of his mother.   But when all is well as the sun rises in the east, Ghenn's a warm and diligent soul, caring deeply for those who share his ways. Some even claim to have been blessed with his presence on their own fields. Such either come in the form of a traveler seeking shelter at the cost of helping out on the farm for a time, or even working as a farmhand for an entire season. While most can never really describe the young lad who once helped them, they do remember a hard worker whose work always lead to a bountiful harvest.


Despite Ghenn holding no true domain over earth or nature itself, he still commands the power to make lands fertile and make way for healthy crops to grow. Many contribute this to his powers over health in general, blessing mortals with vigor and bright spirits for the day ahead. However, this also allows him to curse the disrespectful with sickness and even disease, something he generally frowns upon but will do if he must.   His focus on good health also comes in the form of food. Said to greatly enjoy a joyous meal with friends and family alike, his blessings also extend to the dinner table or makeshift campfire. While sunlight is generally considered his strongest power, his arcane prowess still extends to nature and fey magic. Ghenn isn't said to be much of a martial fighter but is still regarded as a swift and strong combatant if he's forced into a direct confrontation. But more often than not he prefers to avoid conflict and would rather use his magic to dispatch any foe before him.


The vast majority of Ghenn's followers are farmers around the world. Most would claim that those who fail to worship him have no place tending to crops and should focus on a different profession. Regardless, no one's been known to substantiate such claims as any hardworking farmer seems to receive a bountiful harvest regardless of their faith. As a guardian of good health and feasts, Ghenn's also widely appreciated as a household deity in general, further increasing his popularity amongst certain families and farming hamlets overall.   Any follower of Ghenn is guaranteed to be an early bird. Most strive to wake up before sunrise and prepare for another day of hard, but satisfying, labor. Even those outside the fields, like certain doctors of natural remedies and even scholars, like to rise early as to receive his blessing with the first light of dawn. They're often known to enjoy repetition and are very structured in their daily tasks, rarely opting for spontaneous acts. Similarly, many are also very patient, knowing well enough that results take time and care to achieve. The few who choose to travel are often those who wish to protect nature and aid others with their gifts of healing.  


  • Tend to all things with the same care as you would your most precious sapling.
  • Rise with the sun and you shall reap the greatest of bounties.
  • The best of days comes from the wonders brought forth by personal diligence.

Notable Relations


  • Yune - Few hold any knowledge of the gateways leading to the mysterious crystal forest, Ghenn being one such soul for his gentle care of Yune's fey wonders.
  • Kaileena - Ghenn shows great appreciation for the gentle rests and weather Kaileena provides, allowing his work and that of his followers to proceed apace.
  • Nazaala - While far from the rambunctious being that Nazaala tends to be, there is no denying that Ghenn loves to provide the finest of bounties for the greatest of feasts.


  • Tali - Ghenn holds little favor towards Tali simply due to how she and her hordes care little for the frozen ruin they leave in their wake, disrupting the seasons.
  • Korelin - One of few who can invoke Ghenn's ire is Korelin and her disregard for the fey realm, to which he stands firm and keeps her from governing his lands.
  • Izrir - Just as Izrir is said to be a leech upon others, so too is he believed to consume and taint all in his wake, including all that Ghenn has sought to nurture.


God of the Rising Sun  


Light of the Land
Spirit of Good Health
Child of the Eastern Shore  

Moral Compass

Oath & Goal  


Sickle made from a blade of grass  


May the light of dawn bring you joy  








Grove of the First Sapling


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