Caliche Mud Aelfe

Caliche Aelves are the earthy Talmah, adapted to life in swampy or marshy regions. They are shorter than most Aelves and have a stocky build, with tough, calloused skin to withstand the dangers of the boggy terrain that they inhabit. Mud Aelves have a strong connection to the earth, able to sense vibrations and changes in the soil to anticipate danger or opportunities. They are adept at manipulating mud and water, creating sloshing barriers to slow down pursuers or sink enemies.   Caliche Mud Aelves are resourceful and creative, using natural materials like reeds and mud to construct their homes and tools. They have a deep respect for the cycles of life and death in the swamp, and often honour their ancestors and spirits of nature through rituals and offerings. Mud Aelves are known to be loyal and protective of their families and communities, but they can also be fiercely independent and stubborn.   Mud Aelfes are skilled herbalists, using the plants and fungi of their environment to make healing remedies and poisons. In combat, Mud Aelfes prefer to ambush their enemies, using their intimate knowledge of the swamp terrain to gain the upper hand.   The Caliche Mud Aelfe celebrate an annual event known as the Festival of Rising Muck, where they honor the life-giving power of wetlands. During this festival, the community gathers at the marshes during the heaviest rains of the year. The Mud Aelfe use their abilities to shape the mud, creating temporary statues, bridges, and homes that last for only a few days. The highlight of the event is the Mud Blessing, where elders sink ceremonial objects deep into the marsh, believing the mud will absorb and grant the strength of the earth to their people. They also create "mud paths" that harden overnight, symbolizing how resilience can form from hardship.
Aelfe - Caliche Mud - Portrait

Height Mud
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