Kame'in Stone Aelfe

The Kame'in Elves live in the Underdirt. A whole underground city built into the stone.
  Stone Aelves are a hardy culture of Talmah Aelfe, with a close affinity between the earth and its elemental forces. They dwell deep within the rocky regions, where they carve out intricate tunnels and caverns within the rocky cliffside terrain. The Stone Aelfes are masterful miners and stonemasons, known for their skill in extracting precious ores and minerals from the earth and shaping them into beautiful and functional works of art.
  In addition to their craftsmanship, the Kame'in are also fierce warriors, trained to fight with both melee weapons and magical abilities. They have an innate connection to the earth and its vibrations, allowing them to sense the slightest movement and tremors beneath their feet. They can also manipulate the earth, causing rocks to move, stones to shift, and even causing earthquakes if necessary.
  The Kame'in Stone Aelves have a strong sense of community and are fiercely loyal to their kin. They value hard work, perseverance, and a steadfast determination to protect their homes and way of life.
  The Kame'in Stone Aelfe hold a sacred ceremony called The Quake Rite, a powerful ritual that tests their connection to the earth. Once a generation, young Stone Aelfe must participate in the ritual to be recognized as adults. They gather in a secluded mountain valley and must use their control over stone to create tremors, carve new structures, or shift boulders into formations without causing unnecessary destruction. The ritual serves as a reminder of their responsibility to use their powers wisely. At the end, a massive stone monolith is raised, inscribed with the names of the participants, marking the strength and endurance of their lineage.

Height Stone
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