The Incantum Forest

Wood elves and treants inhabit, bane leads elves, nidnoir leads treants. All very proteective, never leave forest, treetop villages.
A region of magic, nature and history. Some of the oldest creatures in Galfin reside within these emerald woods. From the Fishing town of Osthollow to the War-riddled Bloodlorn Chasm to the hot springs of Pipun and down to the shifting grounds of Ullana, the Forests of the Incantum province yield many mysteries and dire adventures for those who seek them.   In Conferus you have a storied history of the Boggan family claiming this wooded hinterland as their own and fighting the elves for resources.   In Lunan is where one is most likely to get lost in the woods, ideally a beast finds you before the human hating Crimson Elves of Adrionne.   Elladria is a province created by the first Highqueen Ella Skytracer after she brought the elves and humans together for the first time in centuries, the city of Queenston was built here as a direct connection to Skygarde for lumber and work using the North Royal Trade Route.   Kerri is a province deeply set in trade with the humans who settled here. They are the least in tune with nature of all their cousins but they live the life of the nobles. They eat human food, practice the traditions of man and have learned to cast spells like wizards of the Spellstrung College. Magic, although innately gifted to most elves grew weaker as the Kerrian elves furthered themselves from tradition. To counteract that, they learned to cast written spells like the mages of Skygarde. They became very adept at learned magic and have carried that thirst for knowledge into the modern age.   Although both the Hiasynth and Thistlepine elves live outside the Incantum province in the Firefang Jags, their roots are still set here and return to pay homage to the Tree Mother Kishar when required.   Lastly the region of Zinth. This area is the largest and most bountiful of the Incantum Forest. Inside you will find fae and treants and animals in all shapes and sizes. The southern area of this region is home to more fae than anywhere in Galfin. To the north of this area are the elder trees connected with roped bridges and giant leaf covered homes. The Vespin elves reside here ensuring the balance of nature is taken care of within the woods. In the center is where the legendary Botonoron rests. This feature is a large dome made of ancestral Oakenfolk who have laid to rest. Their spirit pulses through every blade of grass in the region. The dome-like structure dwarfs even the treants and is a monument to the resilience, patience and beauty of nature.         The Illuminus Fern - This fern glows with a soft, blue light at night, making it a popular choice for illuminating gardens and pathways. Its leaves are also said to have medicinal properties and are often used to treat wounds and skin irritation.   The Incanti Ivy - This ivy is known for its fast-growing vines and bright purple flowers. It is often used to cover walls and fences, but be careful - its vines are known to be very strong and difficult to remove once they take hold.   The Skyreach Oak - This ancient oak tree is said to be home to a variety of magical creatures, including fairies and sprites. It is said to have powerful healing properties and is often sought out by travelers seeking refuge or respite.   The Dreamscent Bush - This bush is known for its bright pink flowers and sharp, spiky thorns. It is said to have the ability to induce vivid, surreal dreams in those who sleep near it. It is often used in potions and teas to promote relaxation and deep sleep.   Lumen Hoppers: These small, brightly-colored creatures are known for their ability to create tiny, glowing orbs-like structures on their bodies that allow them to see in the dark. They are often found in the darkest corners of the forest, and they are prized by many for their ability to light the way through otherwise impassable areas.   Frosthorn Goats: These majestic beasts are native to the colder regions of the Incantum Forest, and they are known for their thick, shaggy coats and their long, curved horns. They are highly prized for their meat and their hides, which are used to make warm and durable clothing.   Vine Spiders: These unusual creatures are found in the denser, more overgrown areas of the forest, and they are known for their ability to spin intricate webs out of vines and other plant material. They are highly prized by weavers and other artisans for their unique and beautiful webs.   Wildflutter Birds: These beautiful, brightly-colored birds are native to the Incantum Forest, and they are known for their ability to sing a wide range of melodies. They are often kept as pets by those who appreciate their beauty and their musical abilities.   Dark treant has plagued the Incantum forest and it is spreading. The Rot Drifftrot.