Bastien’s Story

  • 210 AHM

    45 Firstfrost


    Bastien and Ava see Hearthen army move through

  • 210 AHM

    47 Firstfrost

    The Decimation of Skygarde
    Disaster / Destruction

    --Donovan, Horus, Ducard, Boto, Emben, Jako, Wreck, Bane head into Skygarde.   Teams enters the castle and engages the hearthic,   Team enters castle and easily defeat hearthens,   Invasion team is ambushed by Malakai and Gurard, Gurard kills Jako. Light arrow. Malakai turns on Union, goes mad and detonates artifact.   Bane, Ducard and Emben escape into slums through tunnel. Boto, Donovan, Horus, Wreck all perish   Galfin heroes witness decimation of Skygarde, Yacobius leaves jags   Ducard, Emben and Bane find Bastien's farm   Blade ogres move back to thoughtwar    

    5E 210 Firstfrost 47   Two goons walk out of a house joking around with their dark elf boss The window is broken, the door is kicked in and the dark elf is wrapping up his bloody knuckles   Talla Howl Halfstack     “Well at least he paid up, should have just done it a month ago and he wouldn't have to get his teeth fixed.”   Looks concerned   Asks if this is what you want to do with your lives   Says how he dropped out of the Spellstrung College, the pressure from his father against him learning from a human like Boto SIlverstaff was an embarrassment.   Got kicked out after he meddled with an artifact that his dad asked him to investigate   Boto caught him and expelled him   With the ongoing news about large metal ships docking on the east, he is just glad they live in the most well protected city in Galfin   You walk past the slums of the Dunwich district.   Enter the People's tower in the middle of town as many people are trying to get out of the city with their things. The fear of the incoming army has many people spooked and are trying to get out of the city to go see family.   You three make your way passed the line and Jako, the leader of your group flashes a badge that says “RBC”   A small riot begins as the room fills with more and more anger, it's chilly outside but in here the sweat is palpable. The people are in their winter gear trying to take what they can to get out of the city.   A loud voice booms over the crowd, in walks an older man with the twisted staff, there is a glowing blue ball at the tip. He wears thick glasses and has various trinkets tied into his beard.   “Calm fellow SKygardians, fear and anger will not solve our problems.”   He whirls his stick around and you feel the air cool immediately rush in from the upstairs windows, calming some of the tension.   “The High Guard is working as fast as they can, the Magi Guild will also be here to expedite paperwork as we escort everyone out of the city.”   Jako nudges you to move on, mentions that was Boto Silverstaff.   Return to the boss after walking through the Merlin District A hunched mine dwarf sits in his chair counting coin meticulously His paper lits by a glowing orb floating above his head.   Tasked to retrieve an item from a man fleeing the city as he owes money to Oxford   So find a man named Toldur Toldur in the mass migration of people leaving the city.   Take his saving he is carrying with him in front of his wife and daughter   Return again as the city is atacked by Lord Teyranus of Hearthen   Find yourself in the safety of the bank but tasked to do one last job, the advisor Silver Tung owes a lot of money to the RBC. He will be hunkered down in his own vault but an item that is very rare is left unprotected. Silver never pays his debts and is too well protected to muscles dues from him. In the Magi Guild, an item passed down to their great grandfather is housed in the guild for protection and study. With the magi helping with evacuation, it will be less protected.   Get valaurian shard,   Leave and find boto fighting in the streets as well as many other wizards   Have pyrus show up and you run   After the brief fight, malakai is seen breaking out of the magi guild holding the item   Pyrus then kills Jako   Malakai sees this, drops the artifact and it starts exploding, boto controls the blasts so everyone can run, including malakai.   As Boto used the last of his power to close the rift, he was unable to take the strain caused on his body. The Grandwizard lay motionless on the ground as the city burned around him. The Sons of Hearthen and the Manastrife Union did not get the weapon or take Skygarde but they still came out with a victory as the main stronghold for Galfin had fallen.   As people cried around, a lone figure walked his way into the burning city, unphased by the people begging for help. He shook his head at the level of irresponsibility that led to something like this.   The man knelt down at the wizard’s body and looked towards the Magi Guild. On the ground lay the little cube shaped box that Boto had been researching. The man stood up and took off his hood. He looked to a young person following behind him. He gestured for his companion to catch up then looked down at the frail body on the ground.   “You arrogant fool, this was inevitable in your hands. Rest well brother.”   His silver blew in the wind as ash stained his silver and blue outfit. Remus Silverstaff reached down and picked up the cube, placed it in his pocket and turned to his ward.   “You see Iona, this is why we must not let untapped power into the hands of those who are not worthy.   Puzzle Cube of Vlox is with Seekers   Valauric Shard is with Howl Halkstack and Tallaught

  • 210 AHM

    51 Firstfrost


    Bastien, Ava, Ducard and Emben warn heroes of failure.

    Additional timelines
  • 211 AHM

    41 Newbloom


    Bastien is getting sick and asks Ava to speak with their neighbour Osiris to help.