Yacobius Hrothgar's Story

  • 194 AHM

    17 Coolbreeze

    Battle of Snowpeak
    Military action

    A contingent of warriors affiliated with and hired by the Dharan Church marched on the nomadic frost elves and killed most of the species. The propaganda machine spun this as a victory as the frost elves were threatening eradication of man and a repeat of the Onyx Era. Years later, mostly thanks to a lone frost elf named Einar and the former Captain of the High Guard Nikolas Heartsting, the church's lies were exposed. It was a Dharan prophet who saw a frost elf bring down the entirety of the Church of Dhara. Their actions at what is now called the Genocide of Snowpeak led to the eventual destruction of the Church. Dhara is still worshipped but the militaristic powerhouse is no longer in control of Skygarde.   [In the beginning of time, elves ruled over man. They used the neanderthalic human as workers and labor. As millenia passed the humans began to become smarter and gained a sense of free will. In a time closer to today, the humans revolted against the elf overlords and sent them running to the ends of the realm. Humans then took over and enough time passed that the elves stayed hidden away and the humans populated Galfin. In current days, men were spread out as were the elves. Elves had come out of hiding and started to mix with the civilizations estalished. Things were looking up for the long hindered relationship between the two most populous races in Galfin. The Battle of Snowpeak changed this. As the fire elves came out from the mountains, as the wood elves came out of the forests, as the black sun elves empowered their way to comtrol of Dynastes, as the terra elves came out of their holes; Snowpeak happened. The frost elves were wiped out in a genocidal attack led by the Church of Dhara. The people of the religion were told that a prophey would be fulfilled and the frost elves would end destroy the world. People believed this but the soldiers that took part knew that that was not the case. The frost elves didn't even fight back, they were simple folk living in the snow, completely unprotected. Soldiers from all recruited races: man, giants, ogre and other took place in the battle. It was labelled the moment when man stepped too far. This event led all elves to be much more weary of the armies of man. It would take time for this fear to settle. Decades passed and the elves that alrready mixed with humans forgave them, some elves, such as the fire and wood elves became even more recluse, even to their elven bretheren. Yacobius Hrothgar and his comrades led the genocide. The 5 heroes of Snowpeak, greeted home with honors and medals were Sir Belaruus, Grergolf Oxsilk, Dru-Naz'Eet, Muggs and Yacobius Hrothgar. The Church of Dhara is the most widelt accepted relgion between the humans. Dhara was the messiah that led the men in their revolt of their elf overlords. Dhara died at the end of the revolution and ascended to godhood, becoming a martyr for man to continue controlling Galfin. With a militaristic way of living, passed down by the conventions of the great revolt, the Church started converting as many men as possible to their religion. There are currently amny provinces that the church has had such an impact on that they are considered mostly of the Dharan religion. They're are people who worship other gods but they are usually looked odd upon. The Great Plateau and Steelgale are the major provinces that are considered Dharan. The church declared war war on the frost elves because they were apparently the most violent and viotile of all the elves. After the Battle of Snowpeak, the other elves recieved the message that man was not to be trifled with.]

  • 207 AHM

    6 Rainfall

    The Surprising Mistake

    Yacobius strikes Stephanio, Stephanio counters., Yacobius go to talk to Skytracer   Chapter 8 - The Surprising Mistake   Stephanio made it up the spiral staircase and entered Yacobius Hrothgar' chambers, immediatly telling him the good news. The captain of the High Guard listened and became increasingly annoyed at the court jester.   "Is he serious!" Yacobius Hrothgar yelled as Stephanio told him the news. "I've got too much work to do as it is and now I have to entertain a clown? How ironic." The high ranking member of both the church and the High Guard was now stuck babysitting Stephanio.   Yacobius Hrothgar sat back at his desk "Listen clown, you just sit over there and don't touch anything, I've ot work to do." Stephanio complied to the captain's orders. The two men were complete opposites; Stephanio is a skinny, immature jester while Yacobius Hrothgar is a very large statured, serious, soldier. Stephanio's past was not known to any, he just showed up and was allowed to be the king's entertainment, Yacobius Hrothgar however had a glorified past, he was recognized as a war hero during the Battle of Snowpeak, he was a priest when in Skygarde but when he left the civilized castle walls he became a fearsome warrior. While Yacobius Hrothgar sat and rummaged through some papers he heard movement, he quicklky turned around to see Stephanio standing near the trophy case.   "Didn't I tell you to sit over there?" Yacobius Hrothgar said sternly as he went back to his work. The jester continued looking at all of the captain's things. Yacobius Hrothgar could here him slightly moving things and touching important documents in his room. The brutish priest became increasingly irritated.   "Can't you just sit still?" Yacobius Hrothgar asked aggresively.   "Not likely." Stephanio laughed, Yacobius Hrothgar turned around to tell the clown to sit back down. AWhen he looked back, Stephanio was holding small statue that symbolized Dhara; the god to all the Dharan humans.   "Hey! Put that down!" Yacobius Hrothgar was furious now, as soon as Stephanio heard Yacobius Hrothgar yelling, he dropped the statue. It shattered into many pieces once it hit the marblee floor. The battle priest had no words for the dim-witted clown. Yacobius Hrothgar held his anger in, turned away from Stephanio and continued doing his work. The court jester could sense that his large friend was angry and sought out to fix that.   "Im truly sorry sir, I didn't mean to break it." Stephanio was begging for forgiveness.   "Go away clown." Yacobius Hrothgar' reply was blunt and direct.   "What can I do to make it up to you, anything. Please sir." As Stephanio pleaded he slowly moved closer, Yacobius Hrothgar continued to ignore him.   "I'm not kidding clown, back away!" Yacobius Hrothgar was clearly starting to lose his temper, Stephanio did not realize this as he moved even closer.   "Are you deaf?" Stephanio still moved closer. Yacobius Hrothgar' stress caused him to snap his quill in half, ink exploded all over his desk. The captain's stern voice had no effect on the jester.   Yacobius Hrothgar screamed "I said back off!" Yacobius Hrothgar swung his massive arm at Stephanio, aiming to knock him back against the floor. To the large soldier's amazement, his arm was caught by equal strength, before Yacobius Hrothgar had time to react, the large warrior was airborne, heading for the stone wall. As Yacobius Hrothgar crashed into the shelves, debris wen't everywhere. Yacobius Hrothgar layed their stunned, Stephanio walked over and offered to help his big friend up.   "Truly sorry sir." Stephanio was barely holding in his laughter as he helped Yacobius Hrothgar up. Yacobius Hrothgar was still completely stunned.   "We should get some air. I need to think things through." Yacobius Hrothgar put his hand on Stephanio's shoulder and walked the court jester out.

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  • 207 AHM

    17 Rainfall

    The Slip Up

    Yacobius is worried about Necromancy, also questions Stephanio's ability, Skytracer tells that Boto had something to do with it

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  • 207 AHM

    19 Rainfall

    Sleeping Joker

    Stephanio is sleep walking. Boto and Yacobius meet up while following Stephanio. Boto reveals that he accidentally mindwiped him   Boto reluctantly tells Yacobius how to fix Stephanio, warns him not to do it. Yacobius plans to take Stephanio to Gnomes

  • 207 AHM

    26 Rainfall

    Fixing the Mind

    Yacobius and Stephanio travel along Imperial trade routes until they end at Thoughtwar, Find whole tribe of slaughtered ogres. Don’t sleep

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  • 207 AHM

    36 Rainfall

    Icarus of Teslite

    Not allowed past bridge by Einton, Must bring a lost Goat back from Eternia Beach

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  • 207 AHM

    37 Rainfall

    The Rustyard

    On way to Eternia Beach, Stephanio is slowly losing his mind due to knife, ambushed by Rust Vortex Beast. Yacobius defeats them.

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  • 207 AHM

    38 Rainfall

    Eternia Beach

    After reaching Eternia Beach, the Lightning Island Goat electricutes Stephanio, making his mind functional again but still with no memories

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  • 207 AHM

    41 Rainfall

    The Wise Gnome

    Einton tells Yacobius that anyone is allowed onto Lightning Island, He knew that the Goat would stabilize Stephanio so he sent them to Eternia Beach Yacobius is visited by Dhara in a dream, tells him to go find a temple hidden in sand

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  • 207 AHM

    51 Rainfall

    Thundertops Stampede
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Gnomon main city is being attacked by a Thundertops. Yacobius, Stephanio (from southern bridge), Charison and Penoir (from northern bridge) defend Gnomes. Gizomo defeats Thundertops with help from allies

  • 207 AHM

    53 Rainfall

    Dementia Cure

    Find Fulcrum the Gnome Engineer, he tries to reclaim Stephanio's memories. Tells how he cured Dementia 20 years ago except for one patient. Process seemingly fails on Stephanio as well

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  • 207 AHM

    5 Newbloom


    Yacobius and Stephanio head towards the Charmsand Desert, Stephanio murders a petty thief

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  • 207 AHM

    6 Newbloom


    Yacobius and Stephanio enter the Charmsand. Yacobius battle Blade Master and Stephanio battles a gang of Thunder Fen Mages

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  • 207 AHM

    10 Newbloom


    UgColEk agrees to council with Yacobius, both want to stop Kronimane. UgColEk recognizes Stephanio's face from one of his old history books

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  • 207 AHM

    13 Newbloom


    Charmsands warn UgcolEk of Army approaching, Yacobius wants to talk to Charison

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  • 207 AHM

    17 Newbloom

    A Greater Evil
    Gathering / Conference

    Yacobius convinces Charison to join fight against Kronimane. Charison's army hates Ogres because of Gizomo

  • 207 AHM

    24 Newbloom

    Fall of Kronimane
    Life, Death

    Kronimane activates the guardian Statuelurks, Finds Relic of Guiltloss (every life taken gains taker power) Charison and UgcolEk's army arrive to fight Statuelurk, King Skytracer's dead army reborn and joined army starts to lose   Snakeroot tells Charison that Jaggedforge was a Statuelurk. Charison knows magic won't defeat the Statuelurks   Penoir arrives with Mine Dwarves, Swarm attack the Statuelurks   Arrive on scene to witness the carnage ensuing, Kronimane announces that he gains power for ever life he has taken and that he cannot die until all reborn have also died   Kronimane kills all common soldiers, even his own Necromancers   Malstrom tells Kronimane of the Jungle Warrior's death. No reborn left. Boto readies himself   Boto and Kronimane start to battle, Boto starts to lose, Charison and Malstrom help Boto   Boto Silverstaff weakened Kronimane the Necromancer enough that the unstable court jester Stephanie was able to kill the dark wizard with his knife.   Stephanio gets final stab in the back, Skytracer see that Stephanio is with Yacobius, he is incredibly furious   The Charmsand Cloaks think Stephanio is a hero and give the Relic of Guiltloss to Stephanio. Stephanio regains memories of killing   Boto tries mind wipe spell again, Stephanio is too powerful, Boto's mind is wiped instead   UgcolEk convinces Stephanio that the Cloaks gave him the Relic as a gift from the reigning Tombking, Stephanio agrees to stand down

  • 207 AHM

    34 Newbloom

    Taking the Torch

    Yacobius is fired from captain of the High Guard

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  • 207 AHM

    44 Newbloom


    Yacobius wanders into northern Firefang Jags

  • 207 AHM

    46 Newbloom


    Yacobius meets Skaar and the Dharan Monks

  • 208 AHM

    24 Rainfall


    Skaar tells Yacobius about Brotherhood of the Bloodthirst and the Grimbind family

  • 208 AHM

    26 Rainfall


    Yacobius meets a Plain Giant named Donni, they join up

  • 208 AHM

    28 Rainfall


    Donni helps find the current Brotherhood of the Bloodthirst headquarters, in rock face near Skygarde, with Yacobius Donni waits outside while Yacobius fights the Lycanthrope Rusolf. Xavier Grimbind destroys Saint's Congress tower Skaar , Yacobius and Donni battle the other members, Skruum is knocked far away by Donni, Skaar takes on the Cannabals, Yacobius kills Xavier After Xavier, Skaar and Yacobius agree that Dhara would want all the Undead cleansed from the world

  • 208 AHM

    38 Rainfall


    Skaar and Yacobius guard Skygarde to hold back undead

  • 208 AHM

    41 Rainfall


    Skaar and Yacobius talk about Fortcrusher gaining power

  • 208 AHM

    43 Rainfall


    Skaar and Yacobius form Lifebringers. Secrectly kill Undead. Saints congress fills out the members

  • 208 AHM

    53 Rainfall


    Skaar and Yacobius are attacked by Undead, escape to Great Plateau

  • 208 AHM

    14 Newbloom

    The Lifebringers

    Penoir and brothers meet Lifebringers, Boto has vision that Stephanio is ready to let Viumu kill the Night, he will take control long enough to kill, must be holding relic

  • 208 AHM

    32 Firstfrost

    A Force for Good

    Skytracer is contacted by Boto, joins Lifebringers in Cottonbreeze

  • 208 AHM

    35 Firstfrost

    Terrormaw's Rampage

    Battle ensues on Great Plateau, Terrorfist defeats Lifebringers, Donni battles Terrorfist, Viumu kills Stephanio Boto and Donni defeat Terrorfist, Undead dissapear, UgColEk retreats, Baboa Skaar and other monks return to rebuild Saint's Congress. Skytracer leaves Fortcrusher for death, reclaims throne, Yacobius captain again

  • 208 AHM

    4 Glaciate

    The Lost Priest

    Penoir learns of old Pastor who used to speak of this path, no one knows where he went.

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  • 209 AHM

    44 Aridheat

    Defence of Cottonbreeze

    Scorn marches an army onto Cottonbreeze, Pigeon warns King Skytracer, Skytracers mother lives there which makes him more furious, Skytracer cares for sick wife Skytracer reluctantly asks Church to lead his assault on Scorn, his army is still recovering from Kronimane

  • 209 AHM

    45 Aridheat

    Scorn's Scorn

    The King recieves a letter from Captain Burnout, Scorn has lost it, preparing to kill the Dharans. Anchorbridge is in a struggle of control

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  • 209 AHM

    47 Aridheat

    The King's Vengeance - Battle for Skygarde

    Scorn attacks Skygarde. High Guard and Church defend. Fire Elf Army destroyed by guards, Scorn tries to run, Takes an arrow to the knee then killed by Skytracer. Skytracer is much more violent, Fire Elf and Dharans at breaking point. Smog has control of Fire Elves, works with Owendu to fix Anchorbridge   Quake breaches the Skygarde tunnels and plans for assault with his rebels.   The rebels arise in Skygarde and start to take over, Quake confronts Skytracer. The Elves will rise again   Quake frees Bogdan, Farwit talks to Oli.   Albion is defeated by Farwit, Bogdan takes Olivander and Farwit with him   The struggle continues as the High Guard tries to stop the rebels. Sir Kristoff and Sir Barney and Yacobius are the current leaders of the High Guard   Skytracer kills Quake,Yacobius questions his actions, argument "I dont fight for the church, I fight for my divine lord" Yacobius goes to join Saint's Congress, Skytracer not the same after son's death

  • 209 AHM

    3 Coolbreeze


    Yacobius joins the Saint's Congress as an official member.

  • 210 AHM

    14 Aridheat


    Yacobius has a dream similar to Dominiks, the church is corrupted

  • 210 AHM

    19 Aridheat


    Yacobius and Baboa tries to enter Skygarde with monks, isnt allowed by Priests

  • 210 AHM

    25 Aridheat

    Gathering / Conference

    Yacobius, Baboa , Sir Kristoff, Sir Barney, Jaibaird and Boto enter Skygarde. No one is outside only priests.   Yacobius, Baboa, Boto, Malstrom, Kristoff, Barney, Penoir and Dominik form alliance ready to take down church of Dhara, Oli is kept in Wizard's Guild   While UgColEk Storms the castle, The group explore the church to find their friends All watch as the Conduit rises from the Church depths.   The gang meet up with the Elves, Charison apoligizes to Skytracer for Scorn, Skytracer breaks down and begs for forgiveness   UgColEk channels Foulrot as the Pastor explains that the Conduit is also channeling Dhara. An epic battle ensues and the Conduit kills UgColEk

  • 210 AHM

    26 Aridheat

    The Conduit's Rise and Fall
    Religious event

    The Priests are defeated by the heroes and then they turn to Conduit Yacobius prays and the Conduit freaks out. Declares that he is God. Dominik realizes where he has seen Yacobius before, the genocide Jako and Boto unleash on the Conduit while others take cover. Find the old Pastor. Tells that Dominik is supposed to be the true son of Dhara, the church couldn't allow an elf be the harbinger of their religion. Conduit demanded the Snowpoint Genocide. Penoir flips out on the Pastor for his wife and son's death. The brave dwarf decides to end it. Penoir charges from behind and tackles the Conduit. Conduit blasts Penoir off of him as Dominik closes in. Conduit is stricken by the prophecised Frost Elf and lets the true Son of Dhara get too close Dominik Heartstring puts a ice spike through the Conduits heart. Ending the terror. Charison says goodbye to Penoir as he passes away. "Elf...cough...cough...I'm proud of what you've become..." Penoir's eyes closed with a smile on his face, he was at peace.

  • 210 AHM

    34 Aridheat

    A New God in Town

    Yacobius gets Saints Congress back into Skygarde. Skaar is the leader of the church as Skytracer is put back in charge. Elf-Human relations is eased due to Dominik.

  • 210 AHM

    37 Aridheat


    Dominik tells Yacobius that he will someday pay for his crimes. Sets of to find the other generals. Yacobius is content with this information

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  • 210 AHM

    38 Aridheat

    A New Kingsguard

    Sir Kristoff, Sir Barney, Yacobius, Skaar and Baboa make up the Elite Guard designated by Skytracer. If Skytracer falls they are in charge, also advisors Yacobius declines the Elite Guard offer but accepts the advisor. Retires his hammer

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  • 210 AHM

    42 Aridheat


    Yacobius is contacted by Dhara, Dominik is too far lost and Dhara needs a someone to spread his way. Yacobius says that the last Conduit lost control.

  • 210 AHM

    45 Aridheat


    Boto warns Yacobius to not become a slave to his religion

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  • 210 AHM

    47 Aridheat


    Yacobius wanders into the Great Plateau, contemplates becoming a Conduit, he thinks he will be able to control it.

  • 210 AHM

    52 Coolbreeze


    Yacobius accept the title of the Conduit.

  • 210 AHM

    52 Coolbreeze


    Yacobius has visions from Dhara about the fall of Skygarde

  • 210 AHM

    1 Firstfrost


    Yacobius finds old book in pristine condition in skygarde rubble as Skaar alecia baboa Solomon and Robiah leave to search for Yacobius

  • 210 AHM

    12 Firstfrost

    An Army Approaches

    Yacobius warns Skytracer, a curfew is set.

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  • 210 AHM

    17 Firstfrost

    The Battlepriest's Refuge
    Gathering / Conference

    Yacobius takes refuge in Firefang Jags.

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  • 210 AHM

    19 Firstfrost

    The Caravan
    Gathering / Conference

    Members of guild, cardinal hood and fenris tribe enter firefang jags.

  • 210 AHM

    24 Firstfrost

    The Weight of Goodwill
    Population Migration / Travel

    Fire elves and wood elves struggle to accommodate all war refugees

  • 210 AHM

    26 Firstfrost

    The Guilty Wolf
    Gathering / Conference

    Rusolf begs for asylum in Jags, placed under high watch.

  • 210 AHM

    29 Firstfrost

    The Building of Hope
    Cultural event
  • 210 AHM

    34 Firstfrost

    The Realm Unites
    Gathering / Conference
  • 210 AHM

    38 Firstfrost

    The Capitol
    Military action
  • 210 AHM

    47 Firstfrost

    The Decimation of Skygarde
    Disaster / Destruction

    --Donovan, Horus, Ducard, Boto, Emben, Jako, Wreck, Bane head into Skygarde.   Teams enters the castle and engages the hearthic,   Team enters castle and easily defeat hearthens,   Invasion team is ambushed by Malakai and Gurard, Gurard kills Jako. Light arrow. Malakai turns on Union, goes mad and detonates artifact.   Bane, Ducard and Emben escape into slums through tunnel. Boto, Donovan, Horus, Wreck all perish   Galfin heroes witness decimation of Skygarde, Yacobius leaves jags   Ducard, Emben and Bane find Bastien's farm   Blade ogres move back to thoughtwar    

    5E 210 Firstfrost 47   Two goons walk out of a house joking around with their dark elf boss The window is broken, the door is kicked in and the dark elf is wrapping up his bloody knuckles   Talla Howl Halfstack     “Well at least he paid up, should have just done it a month ago and he wouldn't have to get his teeth fixed.”   Looks concerned   Asks if this is what you want to do with your lives   Says how he dropped out of the Spellstrung College, the pressure from his father against him learning from a human like Boto SIlverstaff was an embarrassment.   Got kicked out after he meddled with an artifact that his dad asked him to investigate   Boto caught him and expelled him   With the ongoing news about large metal ships docking on the east, he is just glad they live in the most well protected city in Galfin   You walk past the slums of the Dunwich district.   Enter the People's tower in the middle of town as many people are trying to get out of the city with their things. The fear of the incoming army has many people spooked and are trying to get out of the city to go see family.   You three make your way passed the line and Jako, the leader of your group flashes a badge that says “RBC”   A small riot begins as the room fills with more and more anger, it's chilly outside but in here the sweat is palpable. The people are in their winter gear trying to take what they can to get out of the city.   A loud voice booms over the crowd, in walks an older man with the twisted staff, there is a glowing blue ball at the tip. He wears thick glasses and has various trinkets tied into his beard.   “Calm fellow SKygardians, fear and anger will not solve our problems.”   He whirls his stick around and you feel the air cool immediately rush in from the upstairs windows, calming some of the tension.   “The High Guard is working as fast as they can, the Magi Guild will also be here to expedite paperwork as we escort everyone out of the city.”   Jako nudges you to move on, mentions that was Boto Silverstaff.   Return to the boss after walking through the Merlin District A hunched mine dwarf sits in his chair counting coin meticulously His paper lits by a glowing orb floating above his head.   Tasked to retrieve an item from a man fleeing the city as he owes money to Oxford   So find a man named Toldur Toldur in the mass migration of people leaving the city.   Take his saving he is carrying with him in front of his wife and daughter   Return again as the city is atacked by Lord Teyranus of Hearthen   Find yourself in the safety of the bank but tasked to do one last job, the advisor Silver Tung owes a lot of money to the RBC. He will be hunkered down in his own vault but an item that is very rare is left unprotected. Silver never pays his debts and is too well protected to muscles dues from him. In the Magi Guild, an item passed down to their great grandfather is housed in the guild for protection and study. With the magi helping with evacuation, it will be less protected.   Get valaurian shard,   Leave and find boto fighting in the streets as well as many other wizards   Have pyrus show up and you run   After the brief fight, malakai is seen breaking out of the magi guild holding the item   Pyrus then kills Jako   Malakai sees this, drops the artifact and it starts exploding, boto controls the blasts so everyone can run, including malakai.   As Boto used the last of his power to close the rift, he was unable to take the strain caused on his body. The Grandwizard lay motionless on the ground as the city burned around him. The Sons of Hearthen and the Manastrife Union did not get the weapon or take Skygarde but they still came out with a victory as the main stronghold for Galfin had fallen.   As people cried around, a lone figure walked his way into the burning city, unphased by the people begging for help. He shook his head at the level of irresponsibility that led to something like this.   The man knelt down at the wizard’s body and looked towards the Magi Guild. On the ground lay the little cube shaped box that Boto had been researching. The man stood up and took off his hood. He looked to a young person following behind him. He gestured for his companion to catch up then looked down at the frail body on the ground.   “You arrogant fool, this was inevitable in your hands. Rest well brother.”   His silver blew in the wind as ash stained his silver and blue outfit. Remus Silverstaff reached down and picked up the cube, placed it in his pocket and turned to his ward.   “You see Iona, this is why we must not let untapped power into the hands of those who are not worthy.   Puzzle Cube of Vlox is with Seekers   Valauric Shard is with Howl Halkstack and Tallaught

  • 210 AHM

    31 Glaciate


    Yacobius speaks to Azazel

  • 211 AHM

    31 Newbloom


    The New church of Dhara finds Yacobius meditating in Zoa. Guardians will not let them into the vault