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852 AP 55 Flavus

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The New World, as named by the Explorer's Guild due to being a whole new landmass not previously known, was discovered not long ago. The first settlement, Oakland, was build just decades ago and is still small and new, but it is the first place new people come to due to the docks. Very few Elves show up due to the lack of scholarly need and Orcs are not welcome, not even Half-Orcs. Dwarves, however, are revered. Probably because Oakland was built by one. There are a few established organizations. Mostly savage and unwelcoming. Bandit Gangs, Orcish Clans, Goblin Hordes and more.

Map of Gargath

The New World
The best cartographer's view on this new world.

House Rules
Generic article | Jan 22, 2022

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