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House Eligius

House Eligius is a noble house of Silenus whose loyalty to House Sardassi has allotted them both a powerful alliance with the Sardassi Empire, and independence.


  Hardy and secluded Mountaineers had made up the population of Curia Aurea(Location), a small tribal hamlet settled within the highlands in Sardassia by only a few poor families. House Eligius would secure themselves as de facto rulers, as well as place Curia Aurea on the map after discovering a gold vein in the family-owned mine. Wealth generated from their affluent mine would quickly transform the mountainous hamlet into a bustling village of laborers, merchants, and goldsmiths. The rich gold deposits that laid within the soil and mountains now ruled by Eligius provided prestige, manpower, and influence over nearby territories.   Upon discovery the discovery of gold within their lands, other smaller noble families and nearby villages had sought to usurp Eligius's rule and instead take the profits of the mines for themselves. Possessing a smaller domain and less manpower than some of the larger villages and city-states, Eligius had sought protection from local sellswords and mercenaries who would fill the empty ranks of their army. The mercenaries were often well-equipped and veterans of the many skirmishes that had taken place all across Sardassi, granting Eligius's army a powerful edge through adequate training and battle mastery.

Line of Succession

Bilateral Gavelkind - Titles are distributed between all blood descents, starting from the oldest to youngest.  

Known Members

Eligius Primis Vadik - Patriarch
Eligius Sextus Vitus - Princeps
Eligius Tertius Valeo - Princeps
Claudius Tiburtius - Aged Retainer


Prerequisites: Sardassi Empire origin only
Eligius Dynasty
Having a direct line of descent in House Eligius comes with many benefits...
Skills:History and one Profession of your choice. Examples: (Prospector, Miner, Judge, General)
Tools: Cartographer's tools
Languages: One of your choice
Equipment: A set of fine clothes, a personal signet ring, a tablet of pedigree, 200 extra starting gold
Feature: Position of Privilege
Thanks to your noble birth, people are inclined to think the best of you. You are welcome in high society, and people assume you have the right to be wherever you are. The common folk make every effort to accommodate you and avoid your displeasure, and other people of high birth treat you as a member of the same social sphere. You can secure an audience with a local noble if you need to.
Bonus Feature: Personal Tutor
Learning to learn is a step towards wisdom. You may increase any attribute, it's corresponding saving throw, and a related skill by 1. You may also have access to resources from your tutor, whether that is access to a library, a personal collection, or simply the ability to correspond with your tutor and ask them for advice.
Square vert twist knot,a pile sable,honour point roundel vert and annulet or surmounted by a tree vert
Motto: With Glory and Prosperity, The Willow Thrives
House Head:Eligius Primis Vadik
Political Reach: Historically on Sigom
Size: Geopolitical House on Sigom
Headquarters: Curia Aurea
Number of Houses: 1
Dynasty: Original Dynasty
Level of Splendor: Insignificant
Square vert twist knot,a pile sable,honour point roundel vert and annulet or surmounted by a tree vert

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