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Ohmreg Religion

A religion practiced by the imperial courts of Ohmreg where the ruler of the kingdom is treated like a god, a person without fault and holy words. Ancestor worship is a key factor, as it is believed all Folken descend from them one way or another.  


Sagitta System is said to be a star that existed before the arrival of Folken ancestors, who had carved Sigom with their own hands and mind. They are said to have created everything from the seas to the unique fauna that is found today on the surface. All Folken are descendants of these original ancestors who are worshiped and idolized as deistic beings. Although most settlements have one main ancestor they worship, all of your ancestors are worshiped at the same time as they are the connection between you and the gods.


All beings have a soul which is comprised of 4 pieces: personality, life-force, the mind, and shadow. Your Personality defines how the soul interacts with others. Life force is what holds the soul to a physical body as well as keeping the pieces together. The mind is the souls true thoughts, unfettered for one to grasp and experience the world for themselves. The shadow keeps you grounded to your physical body but also the universe as a whole - The shadow is often a piece of the soul that rots and inflicts malice upon the other pieces, a reminder of the unknown and looming danger.  

Powerful Deities

A list of common deities
Common Symbol
The Pharoh NE Order, Power, Worship Trickery, War, Order A curved Obelisk with a golden tip
Menat LE Subjugation, Hunting Protection, War Cup of alcohol
Xaria LN Death, Afterlife, Graves Death A skull surrounded by spider webs
[Put holy symbol here of a crown with a half-closed eye looking down towards the ground]
Religious Family: Folken Mythos
High Diety Name: Menat
Tolerance: Low
Head of Faith: Pharoh Totenic
Organized Status: Unorganized
Primary Worshippers: Folken
Points of Origin: Sigom in Ohmreg

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