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Túlmikkían Great Lakes

The Túlmikkían Great Lakes1 is, as the name would suggest, a series of large freshwater lakes on the southern continent of Túlmikkía, specifically to the southeast on the eastern Gnákan Savanna and the western edge of Karatvánamb Forest.
The region the cradle of Gætíus' World's humanity, and has been home to various ethnic groups throughout history, who in modern times are mostly Vevúni including Kvatúls and Túpralans, along with their ancient rivals the Tederans, both independent ones like ólomnans as well as Abáhans and Mnálans who are members of the Ptivamanaktem Alliance.
Recently however, the fledgling tederan Fúmrá Alliance has begun trade with a few select vevúni kingdoms around the lakes, including the most powerful one, Ókvatúlom.


The six lakes that make up the region are Ehaká in the center, Jám to the northeast, Ti to the northwest, Újamp to the southwest, Vinihá to the south and Ölú to the west, of which Ölú is the largest one and Ti the smallest.
A number of rivers flow into the lakes, the most notable ones being Músma River which flows into Ölú from the west and Hafamb River flows into Ekahá from the east.

Fauna & Flora

The wildlife around the lakes includes species found both on the Gnákan Savanna and Karatvánamb Forest, such as cheetahs and mountain lions, pronghorns and antelopes, turtles, otters, cranes, and pachyderms like amebelodons, platybelodons and deinotheres, along with some that are endemic to the region, including the öliote crocodile. The lakes themselves are home to a variety of fish, particularly sturgeons.
The region is also breeding grounds for passenger pigeons.

1Original icelandic: Túlmikkísku vötnin miklu.
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