Auyver Suit

Fast, powerful, and deadly, the Auyver suits are the evolution of the technology of the past, combined with the magic of the present. The origin of these battle suits comes from a recreational sport of the past in Kronos, called battlebots. During the purging of Kronos by the Dark Entity and Aether Storms, one battlebot team called The Phoenixbots banded together with the miltech corps GuardianCorp to retreat and fortify the facility on the Eastern wall of Kronos that connected to the Grand Highway covered road.   After witnessing the potential of the battlebots for self defense, GuardianCorp set out adapting and retrofitting the battlebots with military grade technology. The suits were converted to utilize Aether battery packs since with Krono's Quantum reactor no longer accessible, there was no way to continue to recharge and power the suits with conventional power packs.   Today, the revamped suits, now known as AUYVER (Aether-Utilized Y-Variant Extraterrestrial Retrofit) suits, are the primary defense force of Phoenix City. The scientists in Phoenix were able to invent and setup massive Aether extraction towers to power the city and Auyver units. Because the Quantum Fusion Reactor of Kronos is now basically a giant radioactive Aether beacon within a 2 mile radius, the city is fully self-sustaining and perpetually powered. 2 additional Aether Towers were eventually built, and sold/traded to New Hyperion and Hermies Hub.