Magic and You

Welcome to Magic and You!   (written by Scientist Bob)   "Magic" on Gemini is characterized as the manipulation of Aether energy to perform acts not explainable by the current understanding of science on Ayr. As with all things in the physical world, there is an equal give and take, like the Law of Conservation of Mass. There is no "magic" from thin air. There are no "gods" (those stupid children the Froggies summoned dont count). There is only the conversion of energy in one form, into another. If you don't want to turn into a rock head or a zombie, you best listen up, bucko!
  Any time you want to "cast a spell", you better have some Aether on hand. Doesn't really matter where. If you're savvy enough, you can pull it from coins, battery packs, ammo, whatever you can get your magic paws on. We standarized the system of measurement, so that "spells", gadgets, weapons, and vehicles all use the same energy, and the same unit of measurement for that energy. Convenient, huh? By the way, I'm talking SEUs. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, you clearly didn't read the pre-class homework or the pamplets I gave out. Tut tut. Any time you want to do some hocus pocus, you need Aether. What's Aether? Power. With me? How powerful your "magic" is determines how much you need. Wanna cast a simple spell that you memorized? That'll be 1 SEU. It goes up from there. I aint gonna recite it all for you. Here, take this flier:
"Magical" Spell Costs (by SEU):

1 SEUs
1st Level Spells
2 SEUs
2nd Level Spells
3 SEUs
3rd Level Spells
4 SEUs
4th Level Spells
5 SEUs
5th Level Spells
6 SEUs
6th Level Spells
7 SEUs
7th Level Spells
7 SEUs
8th Level Spells
9 SEUs
9th Level Spells
10 SEUs
  And that's in addition to whatever limitations your puny bodies already put on you, so don't go thinking you can just get rich and cast 100 "spells" a day! Now, you can always choose to be stupid instead, and try to cast spells without channeling a direct source of Aether. You'll be able to get away with that, at least once. If you're lucky. But let me warn you now, pulling Aether directly out of the air versus channelling it from a ready-made source is dangerous, kid. At best, you might be really tired after. At worse, you'll turn into one of those Aether freaks. So don't be dumb!
  Casting a spell or cantrip without a direct source of Aether to consume requires a DC 10+spell level CON save. On failure, you gain 1 level of exhaustion. If gaining a level of Exhaustion in this way would kill you (see Exhaustion mechanics), make a DC 20 CON save. On success, you become an Aetherite. On Failure, you become an Aether Zombie