Welcome to Gemini

The Adventure Begins!

  What an exciting time! I'd like to formally welcome you all to our world, Gemini. I say our, since this wasn't just me imagining this world from nothing. Many of you joined me in worldbuilding, and I'd like to officially thank you all and express my gratitude. None of this would be possible without you. A lesson I relearn every day that I work on this project, is that worldbuilding is well, building an entire WORLD, and that is no small feat. So you guys are awesome for all the help and amazing ideas, stories, locations, characters, and events that you provided me as a starting point to begin creating this universe.   Gemini is a place of chaos and uncertainty. But it is also full of brave and hardy peoples that have been around for centuries, and they are quite resilient and still manage to find joy in life. As you embark on this journey of character creation, remember that you are just one part of a whole, and your strengths will complement other's weaknesses. Trust in one another. Work together. For those that walk alone on Gemini, die alone on Gemini...
  A couple more things before you jump in to all the content stuffed into this wiki (I know you are chomping at the bit, just a sec!). There are 3 things you need to be aware of on this journey.
  • First, magic is very different on this planet than what most of you are used to in High Fantasy / High Magic world settings. Gemini is much closer to Mid Fantasy / Low Magic, if that makes any sense. If you plan to play a caster, you definitely need to check out Magic and You, Aether Coins, Aether, and the Aetherite race to understand what you might be getting yourself into!
  • Next, take a gander at Race, Class, and Origin Restrictions. I know no one likes that sorta stuff, but I hope you can understand that I'm trying to create a cohesive world that (at least sort of) makes sense, so please know that I'm not trying to stifle your creativity! Certainly talk to me if you really want to do something that doesnt seem to be allowed by this page, and maybe we can make it work if you have a really good story as to how!
  • Finally, there is an additional element to character creation for Gemini. Two, actually. Origins and Inheritance. These two elements represent additional decisions to make for your character. What's the difference between the two? Well, Origins are mandatory, meaning your character has to to choose one, whereas Inheritances are an optional choice, and you arent required to take one if you don't wish to (although if you do, you can only choose one like Origin unless otherwise stated).
  I hope you are as excited as I am about jumping in to this universe together. See you in Ayr!   Your Friendly Neighborhood DM,
Slootha   P.S. If you are interested, check out the DM To-Do List to see what I plan to work on next. And if anyone's interested in helping me flush out articles, or even just help with formatting and spellcheck, let me know! <3
Welcome to Gemini
Magic and You
Race, Class, and Origin Restrictions
DM To-Do List
Character Creation Rules