Current Career: Lone Star

Lone Star Security Services holds 62% of all security contracts in human lands. The percentage is even higher in the borderlands, due to its public relations image as a reincarnation of the Texas Rangers. The corporation also runs many prisons for the federal government.   Lone Star is thought to be synonymous with "the law", "the cops", or "the police", even though it remains, at its heart, a corporation. The current CEO is Theodore W.D. Winslow.   As they beat cops, they are always close to anyone that will be dealing with them, because of this a lot of them are trained by Lone Star to deal with targets very close to them. Their job is to keep the peace, break up fights, and not kill the citizens they are trying to protect. If there is a nonlethal method they always will take that.   They travel in groups of 2, each watches the other back and supports them in speaking to others and in combat.   Routine Tasks: File reports, operate within organizational guidelines and directives, support fellow agents, apprehend suspects, and debrief.   Wage bonus: 500 cr Bonus pay: This is added to the monthly pay you get at that officer level.
Rank Enlisted Benefits Rank Officer Benefits Pay Bonus
E1 Agent 3rd Class Multi-Grab O1 2nd Lieutenant +250
E2 Agent 2rd Class Knock Heads O2 Lieutenant Skill Restricted: Streetwise Wis
E3 Agent 1rd Class Skill Restricted: Streetwise Wis O3 Captain Kick them when Down or Any from the lower ranks +500
E4 Sergeant O4 Commissioner Withdraw Strike or Any of from lower rank +1000
E5 Leading Sergeant Grab Back O5 Star Chief Diplomacy As Class
E6 Lone Star O6 Colonel Zero Range +1500
O8 Major General Any from lower rank +2000
O9 Lt. General Any from lower rank
O10 Star General Any from lower rank +2500
Career Progress Survival Advancement
Beat Cop CON 6+ Wis 9 + Rank
Special Assignment(Undercover, Air Support etc) INT 8+ Int 7 + Rank
2d6 Mishaps
2 Serious Injury – throw twice on the Injury Table and keep the lowest result.
3 A job goes wrong, forcing you to flee your homeland.
4 You are caught during an assignment and exposed. You must spend your next term as a Drifter.
5 An investigation goes critically wrong or leads to the top, ruining your career. Throw Advocate 8+. If you succeed, you may keep the benefit throw from this term.
6 A criminal or other figure under investigation offers you a deal. Accept and you leave this career without further penalty (although you lose the benefit throw as normal). Refuse and you must throw twice on the Injury Table and take the lower result; you also gain an Enemy and one level of any one skill you choose.
7 Injured – throw on the Injury Table.
8 You learn something you shouldn’t know and people want to kill you for it. Gain an Enemy and Deception 1
9 Your work ends up coming home with you and someone gets hurt. Choose one of your Contacts, Allies or family members and throw twice on the Injury Table for them, taking the lower result.
10 You are framed for something you didn’t do. Gain an Enemy. Caught by the police make Cha DC 15. Pass let go and spend next year as Drifter, fail spend 1 year as a Prisoner. Barred from Lone Star until Enermy is caught and brought to justice.
11 Someone attempts to assassinate you. Throw Con DC 15. If you fail, throw on the Injury Table. If you succeed, gain an Enemy.
12 Betrayed by a friend. One of your Contacts or Allies betrays you, ending your career. That Contact or Ally becomes a Rival or Enemy. If you have no Contacts or Allies, then you are betrayed by someone you never saw coming and still gain a Rival.
See Current Careers: How Events Work
Roll the dice 2d6 Event
10 - 11 Disaster! Throw on the Mishap Table, but you are not ejected from this career.
12 An investigation takes a dangerous turn. Throw Streetwise DC 15. If you fail, throw on the Mishap Table. If you succeed, gain Bluff or gain Jack of All Trades.
13 You are assigned to internal affairs to investigate one of your own. Throw Diplomacy DC 15. If you succeed, gain an Enemy and gain Diplomacy, Stealth, or Bluff. If you fail, you still gain an Enemy. Someone complained about you after and you lose 1 rank. roll for continued employment with a +5 DC increase.
14 You are asked to volunteer for a hazardous mission. If you accept, throw Dexterity DC 15 If you fail, throw on the Injury Table. If you succeed, gain one skill in the following: Pilot (any), Skill Restricted: Streetwise Wis or Acrobatics and +2 on your next Advancement throw. If you don't Lose 1 rank.
15 You investigate a gambling ring. Throw Intelligence 15+ to Gain Restricted Skills: Gambling INT
16-20 You are assigned to a Ceremonial detail. Roll Diplomacy DC 15, Pass +1 SOC, Fail if you anger the wrong person you are demoted roll for continued employment with a +5 DC increase.
21 You make a mistake and go down 1 rank, roll for continued employment with a +5 DC increase.
22 You are assigned to work on a secret project. Gain one class Skill: Heal, Any Science (any) 1, Computer Use(Any), or Knowledge Arcane.
23 You are sent undercover. Gain one skill: Skill Restricted: Streetwise Wis , Restricted Skills: Gambling INT, Bluff or Stealth.
24 You are presented with the chance to keep some confiscated goods. If you attempt to keep them, throw Bluff 15+ to gain +1 on a benefit throw, if you fail your throw, lose one level of Rank.
25 You spend time working in a mundane society. Throw Education DC 15 to gain Craft(any) or Profession(any).
26-30 You go undercover on a starship. Gain one skill in Pilot, Repair, or Engineering.
31-36 Life Event. Throw on the Life Events Table.
37-41 You make an unexpected connection outside your normal circles and it puts you in a bad light. You get demoted, add +5 to Maintain Employment roll.
42 You are involved in a major fight in the city. Throw Con DC 15 to avoid a roll on the Injury table. Gain an extra throw on your Benefit roll.
43 You assist in tracking down a rogue psion. Throw Intelligence DC 15 to gain one of Perception, Stealth, or Bluff as a class, or +1 to checks. You may transfer to the Agent career next term without making a Qualification roll.
44 You go undercover to investigate an enemy. Throw Bluff DC 15. If you succeed, throw immediately on the Rogue Events Tables. If you fail, throw immediately on the Rogue Mishap Table.
45 You are forced to make a decision that causes the death of 1d3 crewmembers in order to save the crew. Throw Intelligence 15+ You gain +4 on your next Advancement throw. Either way, you gain an Enemy for every crew member who died. Maintain employment roll goes up by 2 for every crew member dead.
46-48 Everything that could go wrong did go wrong. Throw Intelligence DC 15 to gain Jack of All Trades.
49-51 During one of your tours, a high-ranking member of the government, or a celebrity, notices you. Gain a Contact and either +1 Social Standing or EDU +1.
52 You are involved in complex negotiations for a psion release. Throw Education DC 15. If you succeed, gain +1 on one cash roll.
53 Your crew is severely damaged and you are ordered to abandon the post. If you choose to stay at your post, throw Dexterity dc 15. If you fail, lose your benefit throw for this term. If you succeed, gain an extra benefit throw. Either way, throw on the Injury Table.
54 Somehow you learned something. Throw Education DC 15. If you succeed gain Any Computer Use (any)roll for continued employment with a -5 DC.
55 You are captured and interrogated by the enemy. You manage to escape or be rescued (or did they let you go...). Gain either Skill Restricted: Streetwise Wis or unarmed Combat Feat. Maintain employment DC +5.
56-60 Your hard work is acknowledged. Gain a +1 on your next Advancement roll. Maintain employment DC -5
61 You gain a mentor. Gain an Ally and +4 DM on your next Advancement roll thanks to his aid.
62 You have the chance to save a senior officer. If you take the chance, throw Dexterity 15+ If you fail, throw on the Injury Table. If you succeed, gain an Ally, and an automatic promotion. Maintain employment DC -5
63 Due to your diligent work collecting a bounty, you are awarded a bonus. Gain DM +1 on one benefit throw.
64 You are ordered to attack a location near a civilian target. Obey and gain an Enemy and +2 DM on your next Advancement throw. Refuse and suffer -2 on your next Advancement throw.
65 You are selected for Officer School. Throw Intelligence dc 17 to be Commissioned. If you are already an officer, gain +2 DM on your next advancement. Maintain employment DC
66 Your work has been exceptional; you are Commissioned as an Officer or are automatically promoted (Players Choice). Auto pass Maintain employment.

Rank Abilities

  You are trained in various ways to deal with people as you gain ranks. These can only be used while you are with your Lone Star Partner.  


  As a Standard Action, you may make a Grab attack against two targets adjacent to you (roll a separate attack against each target). You must have two empty hands to use this Feat and your partner must be within 30 feet.  

Kick Them when Down

As long as a target is grabbed by a partner, you get +3 to hit while using nonlethal attacks against them. If you are next to a target as swift action apply cuffs or zip ties to the target.  

Knock Heads

  After successfully using the Multi-Grab against two targets that are both adjacent to you and each other, you can immediately knock their heads together, dealing automatic bludgeoning damage to each creature equal to 1d6 plus your Strength modifier. When comparing the damage to each creature's Damage Threshold, treat their Damage Thresholds as if they were 1/3 the total (so if it's 30 vs this attack it's 10. Both creatures are still considered Grabbed at the end of using this Feat.  

Withdrawal Strike

  When taking this and within 30 feet of your partner, select a single Exotic Weapon (Melee) or melee weapon group with which you are proficient. When wielding that chosen Exotic Weapon (Melee) or melee weapon from the chosen group, adjacent opponents may not Withdraw from squares you threaten. They may still make Acrobatics checks to Tumble as normal.  

Zero Range

You are lethal when in danger and using ranged weapons against adjacent targets. When firing a ranged weapon at a target within or adjacent to your Fighting Space or your partners, you gain a +1 bonus on the attack roll and deal +1 die of damage on a hit.  

Grab Back

  You gain a +2 bonus to your Defense against Grab and Grapple attacks. If an enemy misses you when making a Grab or Grapple attack, you can immediately make your own Grab attack against the same enemy as an immediate action.  

Point Blank Master (Combat)

  Choose one type of ranged weapon. You do not provoke attacks of opportunity while in sight of your partner and when firing the selected weapon while threatened.
Government, Law Enforcement
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Head of Government

Mustering Out

Roll 1d6CashBenefits
1 100 Weapon
2 500 TAS or Ship Share
3 500 Air/Raft or Ship Share
4 1000 Age Reversal
5 2000 Age Reversal
6 5000 Armour
7 10000 Power Armour