Brotherhood of Autumn
The Brotherhood of Autumn is a paramilitary Aomeni ethno-nationalist cult that operates out of Zhilisky in central Gol-Kasha. The cult is led by They-Who-Bring-Dusk, a Lich and self-proclaimed heretical prophet of the Church of Eighteen Eyes, who has denounced the wider church, and replaced the government of the town.
The Brotherhood is believed to have existed within Gol-Kasha for a significant time — decades, perhaps even centuries — before they became publically known, though as a significantly smaller and less influential force. Originally structured as a mystery cult, the Brotherhood held sway over small holders and farmers within the Duchy, who were aggrieved to be sending high taxes to the Vekhen Empire, and later to the Duchy of Gol-Kasha after it seperated from the wider Empire.
During the End Times, the Brotherhood made itself widely known, announcing its purpose, and gained a significantly bolstered following among the local populace. The Brotherhood was able to overthrow the merchant republic government of Zhilisky through numbers (mostly undead), magical supremacy, and terrorist tactics. Since then, the Brotherhood has held onto the town, though has only attempted to legitemise its rule in the last two years.
The Brotherhood claims to be a righteous, fundamentalist sect of the Church of Eighteen Eyes, though little of its theology is in-line with the wider church, with significantly more parallels to demonic cults. In particular, the Brotherhood relies on the trappings and tenets of Reaper & Sower, They Who Call the Dawn, and Old Lady Loom to justify their rule, though in a significantly bastardised manner.
Of note, the Brotherhood closed down the Chancery of the Fecund Fields within Zhilisky, with the majority of its priesthood being tried for crimes against the Faith. Additionally, the Cathedral of Zhilisky appears to have burned down in recent months, though the Brotherhood strictly denies involvement, and has established an independant investigation into the matter to determine the arsonist.
Foreign Relations
The Brotherhood of Autumn is reportedly in open conflict with the Shadeless Lord. The Brotherhood does not respect the Duke's claim to Gol-Kasha, nor rulership over the Aomeni, as they believe the nobility of Gol-Kasha is too heavily influenced by old Kaharotan ties.
The Brotherhood allows entrance into Zhilisky via only the Eastgate, having permanently closed the Southgate, though entrants are subjected to questions under a zone of truth spell, and given identifying papers divided on cultural lines (Aomeni vs. Non-Aomeni). Leaving Zhilisky appears to be more difficult, however.
Agriculture & Industry
The Brotherhood makes heavy use of undead labour, following on an old-standing tradition among the Aomeni. However, the scale of the Brotherhood's necromancy far outstrips traditional allowances, and strictly pushes the boundaries of social acceptability.
Prin Trudă, Triumf ("Through Toil, Triumph")
Founding Date
c.4 BE (became known)
Religious, Cult
Sperietoare ("Scarecrow")
Government System
Thanatocracy / Necrocracy
Power Structure
Provisional government
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities