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Session 5: In the Footsteps of Goblins and Other Short Stories

General Summary


In the Footsteps of Goblins

Early in the morning the party heads to the caves of the Birdcruncher Goblins on the western cliffs of the Devil's Platter . When they get to the limestone plateau they meet "Knucklbones" - a goblin witch doctor of sort and an uncharacteristically wise and old goblin of the birdcruncher tribe who promised the PCs hell and torment if they continue their way to the Birdcruncher's caves, saying "you longshanks caused enough troubles to everyone already!"
The birdcruncher tells the party that some time ago three longshanks came and offered the chief of the tribe to join them in an attack on Sandpoint. When the chief refused, they killed him, and by promising the tribe an easy victory and much loot and spoils of war, they convinced the tribe's warriors to join the attack after all. The warriors went to attack Sandpoint, and none of them returned. His tribe has been literally decimated. Knucklebones tells you that the three strangers were a violent woman with silvery hair, a dark skinned woman with a cat and a man with slanted eyes and pointy ears (in other words an elf with a human Minkai blood). He adds that they were escorted by goblins from Thisteltop.   After talking with Knucklebones, the party decides to head to Shank's Wood where the Seven Tooth tribe lives, hoping to learn more information.  

Grim News from Mosswood

When the party is just about to enter Shank's Wood they meet the famous ranger Shalelu Andosana . Shalelu has been a thorn in the side of the local goblin tribes for years, and few in the region know more about them than she does. After short introductions Shalelu tells you that Sandpoint hasn’t been the only place in the region that’s had goblin troubles.  
I’ve dedicated the last several years of my life to keeping them from causing too much trouble around these parts, but they’re tenacious and fecund little runts. Like weeds that bite. There are five major goblin tribes in the region, and, traditionally, they’re pretty good at keeping each other in line with intertribal squabbles and the like, but lately things had begun to change. In short, there’s been an increase in goblin related raids along the Lost Coast, particularly in the dale between Nettlewood and Mosswood.
Only a day ago, a farm south of Mosswood was burnt to the ground by a group of goblins. Thankfully I was nearby, and while the farm couldn’t be saved, I could rescue the family and drive off the goblins; A fair number of the Mosswood goblins I dealt with at the farm yesterday were already pretty beat up, and when i interogated a few of them there was a lot of chatter about the ‘longshanks’ who killed so many of them. Now that I’ve met you, it seems obvious from their descriptions who they were talking about. Seems like you’ve made an impression...In any event, the fact that the five tribes are working together disturbs me. Goblin tribes don’t get along unless they’ve got something big planned, and big plans require big bosses. I’m afraid that someone’s moved in on the goblins and organized them - maybe these three strangers Knucklebone told you about. And judging by these recent raids, what they’re organizing seems like bad news for all of us.”
  On the way back to Sandpoint, Shalelu shares with you some of her goblin lore about the local tribes, chiefs and heroes. When arriving in town, Shalelu heads to a meeting with Sheriff Belor Hemlock and Mayor Kendra Deverin and the party goes for a quiet afternoon at the The Rusty Dragon Inn . After the meeting with Shalelu, the Sheriff seeks the party at the inn and tells you that he’s taking a few of his guards south to Magnimar to see about securing additional soldiers to station at Sandpoint for a few weeks, at least until the extent of the goblin threat can be determined. While he’s out of town, he’s asked Shalelu to sniff some more around Shank's Wood , Brinestump Marsh , Mosswood , Devil's Platter and Nettlewood to see if she can discover anything else about what’s going on. He would also like you (the party) to maintain a public presence in Sandpoint over the next few days, if you don’t mind. “The locals seem to have taken to you,” he says, “And seeing you around town will do a lot for keeping worries down over the next few days. 

The Harpy's Curse

When the sun sets and evening falls the party gathers at the Sandpoint Theater to see Remi's performance as the sea gull alongside the Magnimarian diva Allishanda in the role of the Harpy Queen. Cyrdak Drokkus is excited and ecstatic as the performance that night brought the Sandpoint Theater the biggest crowd ever gathered there.
After a great show the party retires to the Rusty Dragon to celebrate Remi's big moment! Only Wesh is missing, since he left early...  

The Shop Keeper's Daughter

During the magnificent performance at the theater, Shayliss Vinder bashfully places a seductive hand on Wesh's lap and tells him a story about rats infecting her family's basement. "Why, just yesterday, I'm sure I saw one the size of a goblin hiding behind a barrel at the far end of the basement!". Her father is too distracted by rumors of her older sister to keep up with the store pest problem.
Wesh leaves the theater and follows her to the Vinder's general store. They enter the basement, and of course there are no rats. Shayliss reveals her true intentions as soon as she has Wesh alone in the basement of her father’s store; her bodice comes off and she slides herself into an embrace as she tries to guide him over to a convenient cot set up in the back of the room. Wesh follows without much hesitation, hoping for a night of passion.

The night of passion is cut short however when her father, Ven, climbs down the stairs to the basement. When the shopkeeper finds Wesh and his daughter naked, he roars in rage, and threatens Wesh with his large and meaty fists. Wesh heroically flees the scene, butt-naked...  

Trouble At the Rusty Dragon

Late in the evening, after Remi's theater success, the party is celebrating at the Rusty Dragon, when suddenly the door slams open and an old man steps in shouting in Minkai "Where the hell is my daughter?!" he demands to know.
The other patrons of the bar, recognizing Lonjiku Kaijitsu and knowing of his reputation for wrathful outbursts, grow very quiet and interested in their bowls of soup. Lonjiku walks farther into the tavern, his eyes scanning the room for his daughter.
When Ameiko rushes into the front room, a ladle dripping with soup in her hand, to find out what all the ruckus is about a bitter argument erupts. Mauzuro translates as things begin to escalate - it appears Lonjiku has decided to leave Sandpoint and go back to Magnimar. Accordingly, he’s come to the Rusty Dragon to issue an ultimatum to Ameiko—come with him to Magnimar or be cut out of his will. Ameiko tells him to leave her inn (albeit with a string of creative and shocking profanities that for a minute make Mauzuro feel sorry for the old man). Enraged, Lonjiku tries to grab her by the hair and drag her from the tavern, but she dodges and brains him with her soupy ladle, spattering meat and potatoes all over his hair and outfit and sending him to the floor. This act of public defiance and humiliation wounds Lonjiku’s pride, and when Mauzuro rushes to help him up the old man takes his frustration on the Samurai:  
"Do not touch me fool! you and your adventuring friends... Its because of men like you that my daughter has forsaken her family! You come to MY town, and you endanger its townsfolk with your ill-advised “antics” against the goblins. You should have left the defense of the town to the city guard and to real men and trained professionals. We do not need a filthy band of vagrants to attract even more trouble to town.” he then turns to his daughter, “You’re as dead to me as your mother", and he storms out.
  Mauzuro runs after him, but as much as he tries, he cannot appease the old bitter man. The only thing Lonjiku demands is that his daughter be at the Kaijitsu Manor come morning light so they can pack and leave to Magnimar as soon as possible.   When morning comes, Bethana, an elderly halfling maid who works for Ameiko at the Rusty Dragon approaches you, and she is obviously upset. She tells you that Ameiko did not come out of her room this morning. When Bethana went into the room to look for her, she found a letter from Tsuto to asking Ameiko to meet with him at the Sandpoint Glassworks after midnight*. "With Tsuto it can't be good," she says, "I don't think Ameiko knew he was in town, and I'm sure he is up to no good. Since Sheriff Hemlock’s out of town, you are the only ones I can turn to. I know Ameiko can take care of herself, but please head to the Glassworks and check what is going on there. We must know if Ameiko is safe".  

A Ghostly Dream

  At night Kikeleback had a dream, a nightmare in fact. He woke up to see a ghostly girl standing next to his bed. As he gasps in shock, she points to the east and says "the monster boy is awake". She then walks towards and through the wall. Her white night gown and her hair are soaking wet. Her skin is ghostly white.   The Oracle wakes up gasping for air. Never did he have a dream where he was not merely a bystander looking at the events. This was the first time someone in his dream actually spoke to him.  
*See handout letter from Tsuto on the Roll20
Report Date
21 May 2020
Primary Location

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