Dealing with the Gangs Part 1: The Stakeout Report Report in Golarion | World Anvil

Dealing with the Gangs Part 1: The Stakeout Report

General Summary

4709 16 Desnus   The party split up and staked out the area that the The Hammerheads were known to extort shops and homes. They were able to get some information from the residents and shop owners:
  • Berny wears bronze armor
  • They come on Toilday and Oathday to collect
  • He has a group that helps him collect
The group met up back at The Threatening Dessert tavern. After some discussions Valkyriy heard some commotion outside. She left telling the group to wait while she checks it out.   A couple of thugs were outside a building with broken glass. Valkyriy snuck up to see what was going on and saw a large man threatening the residents of the house.   The rest of the group walked out and towards Valkyriy, not realizing what was going on. Argel (a thug) confronted them and eventually alerted Greg to their presence.   A fight broke out resulting in the members of The Bronze Bulls being taken out without any deaths and one person escaping. The party then questioned Argel discovering their affiliation and that they were there to claim back territory from The Hammerheads. Waking up Greg, after failing to tie him up with a net, they convinced him to attempt to get their leader, Rell Brickgrog, to meet with them. This will happen tomorrow at noon at the bridge south of The Threatening Dessert tavern.   The group decided to part ways for the day or rest at the tavern. Rib-bon visited home and saw that her mom, Brillup, was doing something strange in the storage room. She left after a brief conversation.   Doran Sonan visited the Smithtown and Bellows looking for an open shop but unfortunately failed to find an open one.   The entire group met back at The Threatening Dessert and rested for the night.

Rewards Granted

3000 xp/Level up

Missions/Quests Completed

Thugs in Southern High Aeries The Hammerheads progressed

Character(s) interacted with

  • Threatened Argel's life multiple times.
  • Threatened Greg into getting a meeting with Rell Brickgrog
  • Theo skimped out on paying a rug shop owner the promised price for information. Then promised to deal with The Hammerheads. He said he would give him a rug for that.
  • Valkyriy joked with Zita 

Created Content

The Steel Pixy Gift Shop
 Zita: Male Half-orc Commoner (merchant), N. Str 11, Dex 10, Con 7, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 14. Zita is fey in appearance, with uneven gray hair and gray eyes. He wears well-made clothing and several pouches hang from his belt. Zita has an animal companion, a silver cat named Merca     The Bronze Bulls Thug Argel: Female Human Commoner (merchant), N. Argel has a narrow face, with gray hair and dark gray eyes. She wears worn clothing and several pouches hang from her belt.    The Bronze Bulls Rell Brickgrog's right hand man Greg
Author: KazutoDM
Secrets of Almas
Report Date
27 Dec 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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