Dealing with the Gangs Part 3: Puzzled, Answers, and more Questions Report

General Summary

The Secrets of Almas Player Party Name TBD engages in combat with the mysterious blob creature that crawled out of the sewer. During which Theo is grabbed and disappears to an area where he can only see blackness and is constantly burning from acid. He eventually reappears and the group is able to cause the blob to retreat.   The party decides to retreat and heads to the Grippli House in order to heal. Brillup is able to heal the group using potions for free but mentions that next time they will have to pay. She then asks about the situation and is able to share information about Oozes and gifts five potions of resist energy, acid.   The group then retires for the night at their usual tavern, The Threatening Dessert. The next morning they head back to the sewer and are able to sneak up on the Ooze. The fight ends with the group the victors after the Ooze falls over dead when Theo is stuck in the blackness again and lashes out.   The group then destroys the Oozes core and Valkyriy pockets the pieces. They progress further into the sewers discovering a chamber that appeared to be sealed off until recently. Inside there was a system of gears and a door with a carving on it.   The door has a intricate carving of a sapling with tiny roots is resting atop a hill. On either side are wildlife including birds, deer, and rabbits. Moss and grime covers parts of the door, especially the bottom. The gears have a lever and a crank by them. Everything covered in grime and moss from being down here undisturbed for centuries.   The group was able to find writing on the lever after pulling it once which was in ancient Taldoran.   "Woe unto thee who dares to enters, Give to that which is just beginning, The river that flows within."   The group decides to place a drop a blood on the carved sapling's roots which it drank up. Nothing happened so they splashed water causing a wave of water to come through dealing some damage to members of the party.   Feeding the sapling more blood caused it to grow and the carving to change. Placing blood on the roots of the sapling will cause the animals to die and the roots and sapling to grow. The roots will push down through the ground which it stands revealing corpses and turning red. The sapling grows into a flourish red barked tree with golden leaves. Carved into the trunk is a lion with a large crown above it.   Light from the party's weapons (due to a Light spell from Rib-bon ) revealed some words written in reflecting light in the leaves.   "Imprisoned but not forgotten, Beneath a canopy of light, The key in shadows be revealed. Without, ye shall drown."   The group then attempt to use light to reveal something on the tree followed by the gear sockets. After cleaning the sockets they hid their lights to see what happens in the dark. 1: dark tan with silver, 2: multicolored, 3: Gold, silver, 4: deep purple   They were able to determine this might have something to do with Taldor's main religions. Abadar, Cayden Cailean, Norgorber, Shelyn   Attempting to pull the lever while in the 4th position does nothing. After some debate. They attempt to feed the tree more blood but touching the tree's leaves and finds out they can move the leaves aside. This reveals another carving.   a bloodied but regal, elf-like humanoid with birdlike wings covered with autumnal leaves instead of feathers extending from his back. Parts of his wings are missing, his body covered in wounds, an eye swollen shut, face looking straight ahead as if in defiance of something or someone. Around him are four figures, on the far left is a man in metal armor holding a book (depiction of Abadar), inner left a man in leather armor holding a tankard and rapier (depiction of Cayden), inner right a man dressed in a fur cloak with a mask (depiction of Norgober), far right a woman in a flowing robe carrying a harp with a glaive at her side (depiction of Shelyn )   The group figures out that the order is 3, 1, 4, 2 but fails runs into a problem when the lever cant be pulled at 1. Eventually they figure out the lever is lock at every position but 2. The water starts to slowly rise. They quickly attempt the sequence again and the door opens.
Author: KazutoDM
Secrets of Almas
Report Date
17 Jan 2021
Primary Location
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