Judgement of Lord Emberswift Part 4: Courting with Disaster

General Summary

22 Desnus


Encountering Brun

The assailant swiftly knocked out Theo and the rest of the group rushed back to the estate to defend him. After some dancing around, grappling, a well placed Uncontrolled Speed spell, and a lot of healing the party managed to pull off the assailant's mask. Theo recognized him as Brun Crestwood. They then attempted to convince him to stop fighting but could not. More blows were exchanged and Rib-bon was knocked unconscious cutting off the group's source of healing. Theo talked to Brun once more and decided to surrender along with Valkyriy after he secretly informed her that they would meet up again.    Doran continued to fight but was ultimately knocked unconcious.   


The party woke up in jail cells groggy. Looking around they found Lord Emberswift in a cell across/next to theirs. They chatted with the lord and attempted to convince him that they were on their side and there was an organization of Doppelgangers conspiring against him. Ultimately they failed and he recognized them as employees of Lady Crestwood. He became convinced that they were here in a plot against him. After some point a guard came and told them to quiet down. He also informed them they would be going to court in a couple hours so they should be well rested. Doran Sonan attempted to attack the guard with a gaze attack but failed and was warned. The group then waited until the were to be escorted to the courtroom.    

Chaos Court

Entering the court room the group saw Sofra Crestwood, Aedwed, Ralphye , and 2 guards there. The 2 guards are recognizable as the ones from the estate gate. Valkyriy recognizes the judge as Ellisar Venphyra, shes a particular hard ass and tends to dole out harsh punishments. The judge will read out their accusations including breaking and entering, attempted theft, and attacking a guard. She then asked for their statements.     Valkyriy spoke first and attempted to weave a lie that they worked for Lord Emberswift. She asked that he be brought there to testify on their behalf. Once there she tried convincing him to say they worked for him to no avail. He denied once again and accused them of being part of the conspiracy led by Sofra Crestwood against him. Doran Sonan spoke next but not before Valkyriy tried setting multiple fires as a distraction. They then tried to pin the fires on Aedwed and Ralphye also mentioning that they were part of a conspiracy. Doran Sonan then said he was part of the conspiracy and that he forced the other members of the party to break into the estate. The judge moved on to Theo who mostly told the truth of the events. Rib-bon also gave a truthful recollection of the events while not implicating Sofra Crestwood.   The guards then testified stating that they heard a commotion coming from the estate and shortly after these two mercs showed up saying they saw signs of trespassing. Aedwed and Ralphye said they were on patrol as hired by Sofra Crestwood. They saw signs of trespassing onto the grounds which they alerted the guards to. Upon investigating inside they all found these four laid out on the ground due to what appeared to be a magical trap.    Sofra Crestwood testified saying the mercs were indeed hired by her and Oderis. She also mentioned that the accused group were reliable and that they were investigating the suspicious circumstances behind Pichio's assassination attempt. The group then was given a chance to defend themselves again when two guards burst through the door. They whispered something to the judge who them called for someone to come in to testify. Kerym Luxina then walked into the courtroom....
Author: KazutoDM
Report Date
06 Mar 2021
Primary Location
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