The Eagle Knights Organization in Golarion | World Anvil

The Eagle Knights
The Eagle Knights of Andoran are a state-funded military organization sworn to protect their homeland, and to destroy slavery and those who profit from it. Often working as moles inside slaving organizations, the Eagle Knights, while well intentioned, are as insidious as many of the more evil organizations in Golarion.   Most Eagle Knights wear the traditional blue-and-white regalia of the order, along with the iconic golden epaulets; the exception are those working under-cover.


The Eagle Knights are overseen by 30 Consuls, members of the nation's elected The People's Council. The Eagle Knights themselves are organized in a militaristic hierarchy, commanded by General Reginald Cormoth, who also serves as the organization's public face. General Cormoth (who is also a Consul) has run the Knights for over a decade, and directs the Knights' operations within Andoran. He is also an elite adjunct to the standard Andoren military, and is supported by three under-marshals.


The Eagle Knights of Andoran have three distinct branches with different operational areas of responsibilities. Ranking members of any branch are known first and foremost as Eagle Knights, and referred to as such. For instance, a ranking Golden Legionnaire is referred to as an "Eagle Knight of the Golden Legion".  

Golden Legion

The Eagle Knights of the Golden Legion are commanded by Hedrik Traxxus and operate alongside the nation's military. Piersym Agell serves as the General's primary advisor.

Members of the Golden Legion act as elite adjunct units, doubling as field commanders and trainers depending on the need. The Golden Legion's primary role is to guard Andoran's borders and its interior trade routes and keep a watchful eye on the nation's wilder regions. Its members include Golden Legionnaires.  

Steel Falcons

The Steel Falcons are led by Andira Marusek. They are not bound to serve as defenders of Andoran proper, and act beyond the state's borders to spread the Andoren philosophy of the Common Rule, and oppose slavery throughout the Inner Sea region. They also work alongside the Andoren Navy to combat slave ships at sea.

Public Agenda

The Eagle Knights are seen by some as the shining example of humanity, willing to risk their lives to fight against tyranny and injustice. Others believe them to be misguided and naïve soldiers who use their supposed virtue as a smokescreen to hide their imperialistic intentions. Whatever the truth might be, it is clear that the Eagle Knights draw their inspiration from Andoran's philosophy of the Common Rule, which champions the rights of the individual, and seek to spread its tenets both at home and abroad.


The main headquarters of the Eagle Knights is the Golden Aerie, a massive seven-story column of white marble located in the capital city of Almas. In addition to their more clandestine operations, the Eagle Knights also maintain a visible presence in many Andoran communities, such as Augustana.   Enlor's Magical Spot is currently the major supplier of the Eagle Knights in magical items.   Eagle Knight Academy  uses an ex-noble's mansion as a training ground and university to train Eagle Knight recruits in exchange for a 50 year commitment to the order. Anyone else that has enough gold to pay for tuition is able to train here as well. Theo was able to afford tuition thanks to The Crestwoods paying for it.
Author: KazutoDM
Military Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories


Theo trained at the Eagle Knights academy. The party also saved one of their main contributors, Sofra Crestwoods.

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