Troubles in Vellumis

Life, Supernatural


Oathbearers arrived at Vellumis and things go awry. Dujek is missing, there are ghosts at the cemetery, and a mystery to solve at the Bell Estate.   The Uscalin Lodge Vice Guild Master Melcer agrees to help them find Dujek but needs answers to the other events. Meanwhile a new member to the group Tayschren stirs up trouble.

Party arrived in Vellumis and stayed at for the night. The following morning Dujek went to his morning ritual and never came back. The party went to look for him and ended up at the temple. They were pointed to an alleyway where after some investigation and talking to moss they were able to determine that the flying man had appeared and used Greater Teleport to take Dujek who was prone.   The party then went to the Uscalin Lodge to talk to the Vice Guildmaster Melcer in order to get help with the investigation. They were able to talk their way in to meeting Melcer and convinced him to helping. He introduced an investigator Tayschren Tanthul which would help with the investigation.   Tayschren had to split off to investigate another matter. Melcer determined that the spell to teleport Dujek was cast too long ago to identify. He did reveal he has an expensive scroll of discern location he could use to find him though. In exchange for the scroll Melcer is looking for information on two strange events in the city. One being ghost of Lord Bell being spotted in the cemetery and fleeing victims were missing valuables. The other is the circumstances behind the siege of the Bell Estate and why it had to be boarded up.   The party investigated the cemetery first. They were confronted with what they eventually determined to be illusions. After a while they ignored them and headed inside. The illusions dissipating in the process. During their investigations inside they were called upon by the gnome Refi who claimed to be the groundskeeper. They had some discussions which ended up with Zami threatening her and she decided to teleport away. Further investigations yielded no results in the cemetery.   They party returned to the city and decided to investigate the Bell Estate. They first talked to the guards at the front gate. Even after a complex lie involving being related to the Bells, they were unable to convince the guards to let them through. They instead snuck in through the back by climbing the fence and then the building to an open window.   There they searched the house. During which they found the crystal diary seeing the recordings except for the newest one. They then decided to try and dispel the trapped safe but failed. They decided to open it anyways and Sol and Zami were both hit with energy drain before finally Cayde destroyed the crystal. They were then able to loot the safe.   Moving on, they found a panicked guard named Nabir who had been hiding here since the battle. They then decided to head to the basement to get to the bottom of what is happening here. They found the secret door seeing a woman surround by spectral figures. Nagajini called out to the woman to come to them to get away from the ghosts. She crawled over before changing and showing her true form.... a Harionago.   They defeated the ghosts and the Harionago. They then decided to use speak with dead on the slave woman's corpse that was on the torturer's table. This ended up connecting to the Harionago instead. Tayschren regrouped with them while they were debating what questions to ask They found little information out as it kept screaming for death to Lord Bell.   They decided to leave and head back to Melcer to report. They reported their findings but still left loose ends like needing to put the Harionago to rest and capturing the imposter grounds keeper. Melcer used his scroll to discern Dujek's location which is in Wyvernsting. He also compensated the party on the costs of getting restoration spells cast on them which the party was able to get done at the temple....   The group headed back to the Bell estate to put the Harionago to rest after some discussions on what the plan should be. Nagajini, Sol, and Amara snuck into the estate's yard to take down Lord Bell's body. They used some acid and elbow grease to break the spear the body was impaled upon. Nagajini then deployed a fog for a visual cover. The group headed up to the estate doors and broke in using Sol's rusting dust.   Tayschren, Cayde, Zami, and Paz then decided to head to the rear of the estate to sneak in. Some of the group decided not to wait for the guards patrolling to pass and ended up alerting them. Zami played dead while Tayschren Tanthul ended up causing a scene by casting magic at both guards. Various arguing occurred before the group ended up retreating back to the lodge.   The other group made it inside to the basement and put the Harionago to rest. They were able to question the slave woman's spirit about the meeting she overheard. This included information about Lamashtu making a move in two months time and that they were perfecting a formula to make an army out of slaves. The group then retreated to following the other group after ditching some guards.   Regrouped the party debated about what to do next before eventually leaving the city while the guards started searching for them. They retired for the night at an inn nearby.

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