Ulthun II Character in Golarion | World Anvil
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Ulthun II

Watcher-Lord Ulthun II

Watcher Lord Ulthun II has been many things in his life: the youngest Watcher-Lord of Lastwall, the embodiment of a holy warrior, the most eligible bachelor in all of Avistan, and a symbol of inspiration to countless others. He was born into most of these, a privileged noble gifted beyond the dreams of many and trained since birth to become the man he is. At first, many considered him too young, too naive, and too brash, but Ulthun II surrounded himself with the wisest and most diverse council he could. He proved his leadership, cunning, and openness to others’ perspectives. He ruled Lastwall fairly, just as those older Watcher-Lords that came before him did for 400 years.
It did not stop the lich king. The rise of Tar-Baphon, the Whispering Tyrant, saw Lastwall fall and several new identities thrust upon Ulthun II: exile, failure, and survivor. The last, a title many of the people of Lastwall only wish they had, is a weight he carries around his heart.
Ulthun II and the remains of his shattered retinue fled from the loss of Lastwall, the nation built to stand against the Whispering Tyrant, into the open arms of Absalom. The defeated paladin came to the city with a warning of the threat looming over all of Avistan. Many welcomed them as heroes for standing against the Whispering Tyrant, regardless of their loss, requesting tales of what transpired and his plans for the future. Ulthun quickly requested and was granted a private meeting with Acting Primarch Wynsal Starborn. The two honorable men nearly instantly formed a friendship, as kindred spirits.
Others view Ulthun’s arrival more like a military occupation, as Lastwall’s remaining knights are yet another prominent military force calling Absalom home, in addition to its own First Guard and Starwatch. Despite its losses, savvy politicians know the army could easily change the power dynamic in the city. Ulthun’s bizarre aide-de-camp, the self-proclaimed Goblin King Zusgut, has only added to the concern. Ulthun has also unknowingly inherited several enemies from his close friendship with Wynsal Starborn. After asking Wynsal Starborn which district in the city could best benefit from his presence, the two decided that the haunted Precipice Quarter should be home to Lastwall’s embassy. Ulthun chose to have the Knights of Lastwall serve as a beacon in the quarter and ordered it to be constructed in the most dangerous part to continue the work of cleansing the district. The embassy is also home to new recruits, numerous adventurers, fortune seekers, and clerics. One of the paladin’s first acts was erect a shrine to Iomedae and offer healing to the poor.
Patrols of knights are frequently encountered in the Precipice Quarter, stepping in at the last minute to save those in need. Ulthun hires adventurers to explore abandoned parts of the quarter to gather intelligence before sending in armed forces to retake them. Those that serve Ulthun well are offered membership into the Knights of Lastwall as part of Ulthun’s continued efforts to reinforce the troops actively fighting in the Gravelands. It’s slow going, but each block recovered adds to his influence in the city and rising popularity.
Though Ulthun suspects most to be political in nature, he has received a number of overtures from important figures in Absalom—perhaps the strangest being a vow of support from the Minotaur Prince Nuar Spiritskin. Ulthun has even been offered a seat on the Low Council, and has yet to decide whether to take it. Accepting would grant him more authority, but also remove him from daily operations in the Precipice Quarter.


Wynsal Starborn


Towards Ulthun II


Ulthun II


Towards Wynsal Starborn


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