Andoranx Settlement in Golarion | World Anvil
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Andoran is the first democratically governed republic in the Inner Sea region, and as a result is perhaps best known for its message of freedom. Though a young nation, having broken away from Chelish rule only 50 years ago, Andoran has earned its place among the recognized political powers through a strong economy, a powerful navy, and bold efforts to combat the practice of slavery even beyond its borders.
Perhaps due to its youth, Andoran keeps a close eye on its neighbors. Taldor’s revitalization under Grand Princess Eutropia is not as welcome in Andoran as in other countries: despite Eutropia’s many reforms and improved diplomacy, she’s still a hereditary monarch who prevented a people’s rebellion. Andoran has also taken note of Cheliax’s recent weaknesses, and rumors abound that the two nations may be headed for war—a sentiment encouraged by Andoran’s leader, Supreme-Elect Andira Marusek, a retired general of the Steel Falcons known for her opposition to the Chelish slave trade. Last but not least, prudence leads Andoran to carefully observe the follies of its cousin nation of Galt in order to avoid repeating the same mistakes, lest bloody revolution undermine all that Andoran has achieved over the past decades.
The Eagle Knights of Andoran, state-funded soldiers and spies dressed in iconic blue-and-gold uniforms, are often associated with abolitionist efforts, though the various divisions within the organization are seldom understood beyond the nation’s borders. The Golden Legion is composed of elite soldiers who fight alongside Andoran’s standing military. The Steel Falcons (and their naval counterparts, the Gray Corsairs) operate independent of the regular military, specializing in battling slavery and tyranny both at home and abroad. Most secretive of the knights are the Twilight Talons, who provide intelligence and espionage for a government that officially disavows any knowledge of their existence.
Yet not every organization in Andoran lives up to the nation’s lofty ideals. Renowned across the Inner Sea region, the innocuous-sounding Lumber Consortium was originally a criminal syndicate predating Andoran’s independence, and the consortium’s financial influence remains unparalleled. Ties between the consortium and several longstanding members of the People’s Council have raised questions about whether the nation needs safeguards in place to prevent corruption of elected officials, yet somehow these measures never seem to come to fruition.
Founding Date
National Territory
Inhabitant Demonym
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Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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