Fangwood Forest Geographic Location in Golarion | World Anvil
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Fangwood Forest

The Fangwood is an ancient forest, populated by fey in the ages before Earthfall. When dwarves and Kellid wanderers discovered the Fangwood, they found it rich in resources. The fey, disturbed by these unfriendly intruders, rallied behind Gendowyn, an ancient, powerful, and capricious fey noble. Gendowyn used guile and trickery to repel the intruders, and before long, the dwarves had withdrawn and the Kellid settlers declared the forest taboo. Gendowyn then reached out to her chastened neighbors, forming strong alliances that lasted for thousands of years.
Yet treachery lurks even among the fey, and one of Gendowyn’s handmaidens, Arlantia, had secretly devoted herself to Cyth-V’sug, the demon lord of fungus and parasites. In 4062, over 200 years after the end of the Shining Crusade, Arlantia overthrew and imprisoned Gendowyn before releasing a terrible plague throughout the northern Fangwood: a supernatural infection called the Darkblight. This plague spread quickly among the fey, warping their features and twisting their souls. The Darkblight’s expansion was slowed by Nirmathi scouts in the Fangwood, who fought to protect their forest homes from the infection, and finally ended in 4717, when heroes from Nirmathas slew Arlantia and freed Gendowyn from her imprisonment.
Today, Gendowyn rules from her Accressiel Palace in the heart of the Fangwood, but her rule is far from secure. Pockets of the Darkblight remain, and the dense northern section of the Fangwood is home to orcs, dragons, and other threats that murder fey on sight. Keenly aware of her need for allies, Gendowyn has established relations with the Nirmathi and the druids of Crystalhurst, particularly the scouts and freedom fighters called the Chernasardo Rangers. Still, relations between fractious humans and fickle fey are strained even at the best of times, and both sides welcome intermediaries skilled with negotiation or primal magic.


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